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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the king saw that his men were on the o|ther side of the water, he (the next daie earlie) retur|ned to the towne, & assaulted it on both sides. When the inhabitants therefore saw themselues compassed on both sides, contrarie to their expectation, with humble heart and small ioy they rendered vp the towne vnto the kings hands.Pont de [...] rendred vp [...] ye English [...]. After this, the king ha|uing no let nor impediment, determined foorthwith to besiege the citie of Rone, and first sent before him his vncle the duke of Excester, with a great compa|nie of horssemen & archers to view the place, & ther|vpon with banner displaied came before the citie, and sent Windsore an herauld at armes to the cap|teins within, willing them to deliuer the citie vnto the king his maister, or else he would pursue them with fire and sword. To whome they proudlie answe|red, that none they receiued of him, nor anie they EEBO page image 565 would deliuer him, except by fine force they were therevnto compelled: and herewith there issued out of the towne a great band of men of armes, and in|countered fiercelie with the Englishmen, the which receiuing them with like manhood, and great force, draue the Frenchmen into the towne againe to their losse, for they left thirtie of their fellowes behind pri|soners and dead in the field.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke returned with this good speed and proud answer of the Frenchmen vnto the king, who re|mained yet at Pont de Larch, and had giuen the towne of Louiers to his brother the duke of Cla|rence, which made there his deputie sir Iohn Godard knight. After that the duke of Excester was retur|ned to Pont Larch, the French capteins within Rone set fire on the suburbs, beat downe churches, cut downe trées, shred the bushes, destroied the vines round about the citie, to the intent that the English|men should haue no reléefe nor comfort either of lod|ging or [...]ewell.Rone besieged by K. Henrie. When the king heard of these despite|full dooings, he with his whole armie remooued from Pont Larch, and the last daie of Iulie came before the citie of Rone, and compassed it round about with a strong siege. This citie was verie rich in gold, sil|uer, and other pretious things, in so much that when the same was taken and seized vpon by the English, the spoile was verie great and excéeding aduantag|able: which the compiler of Anglorum praelia hath ve|rie well noted, in a few lines, but pithie; saieng:

Vltima Rothomagus restat, quae mercibus, auro,
Angl. prael. [...] Hen. 5. Argento, vasis pretiosis diues abundat:
Rothomagus capitur, iám Anglus adeptus opimas
Praedas, in patriam perpulchra trophaea remittit.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king laie with a great puissance at the Char|treux house, on the east side of the citie, and the duke of Clarence lodged at S. Geruais before the port of Ca [...] on the west part.Before Pont S. Hilarie. Titus Liuius. The duke of Excester tooke his place on the north side: at port S. Denis, be|tweene the dukes of Excester and Clarence, was appointed the earle marshall,The order of the siege. euen before the gate of the castell; to whome were ioined the earle of Or|mond,Before the gate called Markeuile. Titus Liuius. and the lords Harington and Talbot, vpon his comming from Dampfront: and from the duke of Excester toward the king, were incamped the lords Ros, Willoughbie, Fitz Hugh, and sir Willi|am Porter, with a great band of northerne men, e|uen before the port of saint Hilarie. The earles of Mortaigne and Salisburie were assigned to lodge about the abbie of saint Katharine.Salisburie & Huntington on the other side of the ri|uer of Seine. Sir Iohn Greie was lodged directlie against the chappell called mount S. Michaell: sir Philip Léech treasuror of the warres kept the hill next the abbeie, and the baron of Carew kept the passage on the riuer of Seine, and to him was ioined that valiant esquier Ienico Dar|tois.

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