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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then came the king before the towne,Caen besieged who caused foorthwith to be cast a deepe trench, with an high mount, to kéepe them within from issuing foorth, and that doone, began fiercelie to assault the towne: but they within stood manfullie to their defense, so that there was sore and cruell fight betwixt them, and their enimies. But when king Henrie perceiued that he lost more than he wan by his dailie assaults, he left off anie more to assault it, and determined to ouerthrow the wals, with vndermining. Wherefore with all diligence, the pioners cast trenches, made mines, & brought timber; so that within a few daies, the wals stood onelie vpon posts, readie to fall, when fire should be put to them. Tit. Liuius. The king meaning now to giue a generall assault, caused all the capteins to assemble before him in councell, vnto whome he de|clared his purpose, commanding them not before the next daie to vtter it; till by sound of trumpet they should haue warning to set forward towards the wals, least his determination being disclosed to the enimies, might cause them to prouide the better for their owne defense. He also prescribed vnto them,The order of the assault. what order he would haue them to keepe, in giuing the assault, and that was this; that euerie capteine de|uiding his band into three seuerall portions, they might be readie one to succéed in an others place, as those which fought should happilie be driuen backe and repelled.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the morning next following, being the fourth of September, somewhat before the breake of the daie, he caused his people to approch the wals, and to shew countenance, as though they would giue a ge|nerall assault; and whilest they were busied in assai|ling and defending on both sides, the Englishmen pearsed and brake thorough the wals by diuerse holes and ouertures made by the pioners, vnder the foun|dation: yet the king vpon diuerse respects, offered them within pardon of life, if they would yeeld them|selues and the towne to his mercie; but they refusing that to doo, the assault was newlie begun, and after sore fight continued for the space of an houre, the Englishmen preuailed, and slue so manie as they found with weapon in hand, readie to resist them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Clarence was the first that entred with his people, Titus Liuius. and hauing got the one part of the towne, assailed them that kept the bridge, & by force beating them backe, passed the same, and so came to the wals on the other side of the towne, where the fight was sharpe and fierce betwixt the assailants and defendants; but the duke with his people setting on the Frenchmen behind, as they stood at defense on the wals, easilie vanquished them, so that the Eng|lishmen entred at their pleasure. Thus when the king was possessed of the towne,Caen taken by the Eng|lishmen. he incontinentlie com|manded all armours & weapons of the vanquished, to be brought into one place, which was immediatlie doone.

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