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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane season, while the battell thus conti|nued, and that the Englishmen had taken a great number of prisoners, certeine Frenchmen on horsse|backe, whereof were capteins Robinet of Borne|uill, Rifflart of Clamas, Isambert of Agincourt, and other men of armes, to the number of six hun|dred horssemen, which were the first that fled, hearing that the English tents & pauilions were a good waie distant from the armie, without anie sufficient gard to defend the same, either vpon a couetous meaning to gaine by the spoile, or vpon a desire to b [...] reuen|ged, entred vpon the kings campe,The king [...] campe rob|bed. and there spoiled the hails, robbed the tents, brake vp chests, and ca|ried awaie [...]askets, and slue such seruants as they found to make anie resistance. For which treason and haskardie in thus leauing their campe at the verie point of fight, for winning of spoile where none to de|fend it, verie manie were after committed to prison, and had lost their liues, if the Dolphin had longer li|ued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But when the outcrie of the lackies and boies, which ran awaie for feare of the Frenchmen thus spoiling the campe, came to the kings eares, he doub|ting least his enimies should gather togither againe and begin a new field; and mistrusting further that the prisoners would be an aid to his enimies, or the verie enimies to their takers in déed if they were suf|fered to liue, contrarie to his accustomed gentlenes, commanded by sound of trumpet, that euerie man (vpon paine of death) should incontinentlie slaie his prisoner. When this dolorous decree,All the pris [...]ners slaine. and pitifull pro|clamation was pronounced, pitie it was to sée how some Frenchmen were suddenlie sticked with dag|gers, some were brained with pollaxes, some slaine with malls, other had their throats cut, and some their bellies panched, so that in effect, hauing respect to the great number, few prisoners were saued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When this lamentable slaughter was ended, the EEBO page image 555 Englishmen disposed themselues in order of battell, readie to abide a new field, and also to inuade, and newlie set on their enimies, with great force they as|sailed the earles of Marle and Fauconbridge, and the lords of Louraie,A fresh onset. and of Thine, with six hundred men of armes, who had all that daie kept togither, but now slaine and beaten downe out of hand. ¶ Some write, that the king perceiuing his enimies in one part to assemble togither, as though they meant to giue a new battell for preseruation of the prisoners, sent to them an herald, commanding them either to depart out of his sight, or else to come forward at once, and giue battell: promising herewith, that if they did offer to fight againe,A right wise and valiant challenge of the king. not onelie those priso|ners which his people alreadie had taken; but also so manie of them as in this new conflict, which they thus attempted should fall into his hands, should die the death without redemption.

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