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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Further, that the said earle of Cambridge, and sir Thomas Graie had appointed certeine of the kings liege people to repaire into Scotland, and to bring from thence one Thomas Trumpington; also an o|ther resembling in shape, fauour, and countenance king Richard, and Henrie Persie, togither with a great multitude of people to fight with the king, and him to destroie in open field. Beside this, that they had meant to win certeine castels in Wales, and to kéepe them against the king: and manie other trea|sons they had contriued, as by the indictement was specified, to the intent they might destroie the king and his brethren, the dukes of Bedford and Glocester, and other the great lords & peers of the realme. And Henrie Scroope of Masham, of Flaxflet, in the coun|tie of Yorke wasli kewise indicted, as consenting to the premisses. So that it appeareth their purpose was well inough then perceiued, although happilie not much bruted abroad, for considerations thought ne|cessarie to haue it rather husht and kept secret.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the selfe same time the lord Cobham with his freends, whether as one of counsell in the conspi|racie with the earle of Cambridge or not, was deter|mined to haue made some attempt against the lord of Aburgauennie, who being aduertised thereof, got for his defense from Worcester, Persore, Teukes|burie, and other places thereabout, to the number of fiue thousand archers, and other armed men, which came to him vnto his castell of Haneleie: whereof when the lord Cobham was aduertised, he withdrew againe to such secret places about Maluerne, as he had prouided for his suertie, to resort vnto: but a priest that belonged vnto him, was taken, and di|uerse other, who disclosed to the lord Aburgauennie, one of the places where the said lord Cobham with his men vsed to kéepe themselues close. Unto that place the lord Aburgauennie went, where he found in déed monie and armor piled vp betwixt two wals, handsomelie conueied and framed for the purpose; but the lord Cobham with his folkes were withdrawne into some other place, after they once heard, that the earle of Cambridge and the lord Scroope were executed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now to proceed with king Henries dooings. After this, when the wind came about prosperous to his purpose, Titus Liuius. he caused the mariners to weie vp an|chors, and hoise vp sailes,The king sai|leth ouer into France with his host. and to set forward with a thousand ships, on the vigill of our ladie daie the As|sumption, and tooke land at Caux, commonlie called Kidcaux, where the riuer of Saine runneth into the sea, without resistance. At his first comming on land, he caused proclamation to be made, Titus Liuius. A charitable proclamation. that no person should be so hardie on paine of death, either to take anie thing out of anie church that belonged to the same, or to hurt or doo anie violence either to priests, women, or anie such as should be found without weapon or armor, and not readie to make resistance: also that no man should renew anie quarell or strife,Princelie and wiselie. whereby anie fraie might arise to the disquieting of the armie.

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