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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herein did he much inueie against the surmised and false fained law Salike,The Salike law. which the Frenchmen alledge euer against the kings of England in barre of their iust title to the crowne of France. The verie words of that supposed law are these, In terram Sali|cam mulieres ne succedant, that is to saie, Into the Sa|like land let not women succeed. Which the French glossers expound to be the realme of France, and that this law was made by king Pharamond; where|as yet their owne authors affirme, that the land Sa|like is in Germanie, betwéene the riuers of Elbe and Sala; and that when Charles the great had ouer|come the Saxons, he placed there certeine French|men, which hauing in disdeine the dishonest maners of the Germane women, made a law, that the fe|males should not succéed to any inheritance within that land, which at this daie is called Meisen,Mesina so that if this be true, this law was not made for the realme of France, nor the Frenchmen possessed the land Sa|like, till foure hundred and one and twentie yeares after the death of Pharamond, the supposed maker of this Salike law, for this Pharamond deceassed in the yeare 426, and Charles the great subdued the Saxons, and placed the Frenchmen in those parts beyond the riuer of Sala, in the yeare 805.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, it appeareth by their owne writers, that king Pepine, which deposed Childerike, claimed the crowne of France, as heire generall, for that he was descended of Blithild daughter to king Clo|thair EEBO page image 546 the first: Hugh Capet also, who vsurped the crowne vpon Charles duke of Loraine, the sole heire male of the line and stocke of Charles the great, to make his title seeme true, and appeare good, though in déed it was starke naught, conueied himselfe as heire to the ladie Lingard, daughter to king Charle|maine, sonne to Lewes the emperour, that was son to Charles the great. King Lewes also the tenth o|therwise called saint Lewes, being verie heire to the said vsurper Hugh Capet, could neuer be satisfied in his conscience how he might iustlie keepe and pos|sesse the crowne of France, till he was persuaded and fullie instructed, that quéene Isabell his grand|mother was lineallie descended of the ladie Er|mengard daughter and heire to the aboue named Charles duke of Loraine, by the which marriage, the bloud and line of Charles the great was againe vni|ted and restored to the crowne & scepter of France, so that more cléere than the sunne it openlie appea|reth, that the title of king Pepin, the claime of Hugh Capet, the possession of Lewes, yea and the French kings to this daie, are deriued and conueied from the heire female, though they would vnder the colour of such a fained law, barre the kings and princes of this realme of England of their right and lawfull inhe|ritance.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The archbishop further alledged out of the booke of Numbers this saieng:

When a man dieth without a sonne, let the inheritance descend to his daughter.
At length, hauing said sufficientlie for the proofe of the kings iust and lawfull title to the crowne of France, he exhorted him to aduance foorth his banner to fight for his right, to conquer his inheritance, to spare nei|ther bloud, sword, nor fire, sith his warre was iust, his cause good, and his claime true. And to the intent his louing chapleins and obedient subiects of the spiritu|altie might shew themselues willing and desirous to aid his maiestie, for the recouerie of his ancient right and true inheritance, the archbishop declared that in their spirituall conuocation, they had granted to his highnesse such a summe of monie, as neuer by no spi|rituall persons was to any prince before those daies giuen or aduanced.

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