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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Yée haue heard how the duke of Clarence and his armie did much hurt in the realme of France, Anno Reg. 14. in pla|ces as he passed: wherevpon at length,The duke of Orleance cõ|meth to ye En|glish armie. the duke of Orleance being earnestlie called vpon to dispatch the Englishmen out of France, according to an ar|ticle comprised in the conclusion of the peace, he came to the duke of Clarence, rendering to him and his armie a thousand gramersies, and disbursed to them as much monie as he or his fréends might easi|lie spare; and for the rest being two hundred and nine thousand frankes remaining vnpaid, he deliuered in gage his second brother, Iohn duke of Angolesme, which was grandfather to king Francis the first, that reigned in our daies, sir Marcell de Burges, and sir Iohn de Samoures, sir Archembald Uiliers, and di|uerse other, which earle continued long in England, as after shall appeare. When this agreement was thus made betwixt the dukes of Orleance and Cla|rence, the English armie with rich preies, booties and prisoners came to Burdeaux, making warre on the frontiers of France, to their great gaine.The lord of Helie marshal of France. In this meane while, the lord of Helie, one of the marshals of France, with an armie of foure thousand men, besie|ged a certeine fortresse in Guien, which an English knight, one sir Iohn Blunt kept, who with thrée hun|dred men that came to his aid, discomfited, chased,Sir Iohn Blunt. and ouerthrew the French power, tooke prisoners twelue men of name, and other gentlemen to the number of six score, and amongst other, the said mar|shall, who was sent ouer into England, and put in the castell of Wissebet, from whence he escaped, and got ouer into France, where seruing the duke of Orle|ance at the battell of Agincort, he was slaine among other.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this fourtéenth and last yeare of king Henries reigne, Fabian. The k. mea [...] to haue made a iournie a|gainst the Infidels. a councell was holden in the white friers in London, at the which, among other things, order was taken for ships and gallies to be builded and made readie, and all other things necessarie to be prouided for a voiage which he meant to make into the holie land, there to recouer the citie of Ierusalem from the Infidels. For it gréeued him to consider the great malice of christian princes, that were bent vpon a mischéefous purpose to destroie one another, to the perill of their owne soules, rather than to make war against the enimies of the christian faith, as in con|science (it séemed to him) they were bound. He held his Christmas this yeare at Eltham,The king is vexed with sicknesse. being sore vex|ed with sicknesse, so that it was thought sometime, EEBO page image 541 that he had beene dead: notwithstanding it pleased God that he somwhat recouered his strength againe, and so passed that Christmasse with as much ioy as he might.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The morrow after Candlemas daie began a par|lement,141 [...] which he had called at London, but he depar|ted this life before the same parlement was ended:A par [...]ement. for now that his prouisions were readie, and that he was furnished with sufficient treasure, soldiers, cap|teins, vittels, munitions, tall ships, strong gallies, and all things necessarie for such a roiall iournie as he pretended to take into the holie land, he was eft|soones taken with a sore sicknesse, which was not a le|prosie,The K. sick of an apoplexie. [...]. striken by the hand of God (saith maister Hall) as foolish friers imagined; but a verie apoplexie, of the which he languished till his appointed houre, and had none other gréefe nor maladie; so that what man or|deineth, God altereth at his good will and pleasure, not giuing place more to the prince, than to the poo|rest creature liuing, when he séeth his time to dispose of him this waie or that, as to his omnipotent pow|er and diuine prouidence seemeth expedient. During this his last sicknesse, H [...]ll. he caused his crowne (as some write) to be set on a pillow at his beds head, and sud|denlie his pangs so sore troubled him, that he laie as though all his vitall spirits had beene from him de|parted. Such as were about him, thinking verelie that he had béene departed, couered his face with a linnen cloth.

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