Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Englishmen not dismaied with his death,Briake taken by force. but the more desirous to obteine their purpose, continu|ed their assaults, till by fine force they entered the towne, set it on fire, and slue all that made resistance; and after for want of a generall to command what should be doone, they being pestered with preies and prisoners, returned into England. ¶ The countesse of Kent that was daughter (as yée haue heard) to Bernabo viscont lord of Millaine, hauing no issue by hir husband, was now mooued by the king after hir husbands death, to marrie with his bastard bro|ther the earle of Dorset, a man verie aged and euill visaged; wherevpon she misliking him,The countes of Kent ma|keth hir owne choise of hir second hus|band. meant rather to satisfie hir owne fansie, and therefore chose for hir husband Henrie Mortimer, a goodlie yoong bacheller, by whom she had issue a daughter named Anne, ma|ried to sir Iohn Awbemond.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 This yeare, the next daie after the feast daie of Marie Magdalen, in a councell holden at London by the cleargie,A disputation betwixt di|uines of Ox|ford & Cam|bridge for their obediẽce to the pope. the doctors of the vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxenford being there, with the rest assembled, debated the matter, whether they ought to withdraw from the pope, paiments of monie, and their accustomed obedience, considering that contra|rie to his word and promise so solemnlie made, and with an oth confirmed, he withdrew himselfe from the place where he (according to couenants) should haue béene present, to aduance an agréement and concord in the church. ¶Upon the euen of the Natiui|tie of our ladie, there chanced such flouds through a|bundance of raine, as the like had not béene séene a|fore by anie man then liuing. Also about the feast of All saints, Anno Reg. 10. The cardinal of Burges cõmeth into England in disfauor of pope Gregrie the cardinall of Burges came into Eng|land, to informe the king and the cleargie of the in|constant dealing of pope Gregorie, in like maner as he had informed the French king and the French|men, to the end that he might persuade both these EEBO page image 535 kings which were accounted the chéefe in christen|dome, to put vnto their helping hands, that the same pope Gregorie might be induced to obserue and per|forme that oth, which he had receiued, so as by the roi|all authoritie of those two kings, concord might be had in the church. The French king (as this cardinall alleged) following the aduise of the learned men of the vniuersities of Paris, Bologna, Orleans, Tho|louse, and Montpellier, to auoid the danger of fauou|ring schisme,The resolutiõ of the French king concer|ning the two p [...]pes. determined to obeie neither the one nor the other that contended for the papasie, vntill peace and concord might be restored in Christes church. The king vnderstanding the purpose of the cardinall, shewed him what courtesie might be deuised, offering to beare his charges, so long as it pleased him to re|maine in England, and promising him to consider aduisedlie of the matter.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare after the Epiphanie, the archbishop of Canturburie called the cleargie of the prouince of Canturburie to a conuocation in Paules church at London, A cõuocation at S. Paules in London. to choose sufficient persons that might go vnto the generall councell, appointed to be kept at Pisa: herevpon were chosen Robert Halom bishop of Salisburie,Ambassadors appointed to go to the coun|cell at Pisa. Henrie Chichleie bishop of saint Da|uid, & Thomas Chillingden prior of Christes church in Canturburie. The king before this had sent am|bassadors vnto pope Gregorie, and also to the cardi|nals; to wit, sir Iohn Coluill knight, and maister Nicholas Rixton clearke, with letters, signifieng the gréefe he had conceiued for the inconuenience that fell in the christian common-wealth thorough the schisme;The contents of the kings letters to the pope. and withall putting the pope in remem|brance what mischéefe and destruction of people had chanced by the same schisme. These and the like mat|ters, to vtter what desire he had to haue an vnitie in the church, he declared frankelie in his letters direc|ted to the pope, so as it might appeare to the world, how soberlie and modestlie he sought to induce the pope to procure peace & concord in the church. ¶ Cer|teine collections of which letters (as I find them in Thomas Walsingham) I haue here set downe in com|mendation of this king so excellentlie minded. Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Wals. Hypod. pag. 159.