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Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the feast of the Assumption of our ladie, that ancient warriour and worthie knight sir Robert Knols departed this life:Sir Robert Knols depar|teth this life. Bermondsey. he was (as before yée haue heard) borne of meane parentage, but growen into such estimation for his valiant prowesse, as he was thought méet to haue the leading of whole armies, and the rule and gouernment of large prouinces. For not long before his deceasse, he being gouernour of Aquitaine, incumbred with age,S. Albons. resigned his office vnto sir Thomas Belfort, a right valiant capteine, and therewith returned into England, where he died at a manour place of his in Norffolke, & from thence brought to London in a litter, with great pompe and much torch light,He was buri|ed in ye White friers. was buried in the church of White friers in Fleetstreet by the ladie Constance his wife, where was doone for him a solemne obsequie, with a great feast, and liberall dole to the poore.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Besides the diuerse noble exploits, and famous warlike enterprises atchiued by this valiant sonne of Mars, he (to continue the perpetuall memorie of his name) builded the bridge of Rochester, ouer the riuer of Medwaie with a chappell at the end thereof; he repared also the bodie of the church of the White friers where he was buried,He built Ro|chester bridge commonlie called Knols bridge. which church was first founded by the ancestour of the lord Greie of Cod|ner. He also founded a college of secular priests at Pomfret, and did manie other things in his life right commendable. Thom. Wals. Sir Thomas Rampston constable of the tower was drowned, in comming from the court as he would haue shut the bridge, the streame being so big, that it ouerturned his barge. Anno Reg. 9. This yeare the EEBO page image 534 twentith of October began a parlement holden at Glocester, but remooued to London as should ap|peare in Nouember; for (as we find) in that moneth this yéere 1407, Thom. Wals. A subsidie. and ninth of this kings reigne, a sub|sidie was granted by authoritie of a parlement then assembled at London, to be leuied through the whole realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lord Ca|mois arreig|ned & acquitedThe lord Camois was arreigned the last of Octo|ber, before Edmund earle of Kent that daie high steward of England, and by his péeres acquit of the offense, whereof he had beene indicted (as before yee haue heard) and so dismissed at the barre, was resto|red againe both to his goods, lands, and offices. ¶This yeare the winter was excéeding sharpe through frost and snow that continued & couered the ground by all the moneths of December, Ianuarie, Februa|rie, and March, insomuch that thrushes, blackbirds, and manie thousand birds of the like smaller size, perished with verie cold and hunger.

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