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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane while the marshall Montmerancie, with his armie, besieged the towne of Carmarden, and wan it by composition,Carmarden woone by the French. granting to the men of warre that kept it against him, licence to depart whi|ther they would, & to take with them all their mooue|able goods: the castell of Penbroke they assaulted not, estéeming it to be so well manned, that they shuld but lose their labour in attempting it. Notwithstan|ding they besieged the towne of Hereford west,

Hereford west manfullie de|fended.

Enguerant de Monstrelle [...] saith they burnt the townes but could not win the castell.

which neuerthelesse was so well defended by the earle of A|rundell and his power, that they lost more than they wan, and so they departed towards the towne of Denbigh, where they found Owen Glendouer abi|ding for their comming, with ten thousand of his Welshmen. Here were the Frenchmen ioifullie re|ceiued of the Welsh rebels, and so when all things were prepared, they passed by Glamorganshire to|wards Worcester,The suburbs of Worcester burnt. and there burnt the suburbes: but hearing of the kings approch, they suddenlie retur|ned towards Wales.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king with a great puissance followed, and found them imbattelled on a high mounteine, where there was a great vallie betwixt both the armies, so that either armie might plainelie perceiue the other, and either host looked to be assailed of his aduersarie, & therefore sought to take the aduantage of ground. Thus they continued for the space of eight daies from morning till night, readie to abide, but not to giue battell. There were manie skirmishes, and di|uerse proper feats of armes wrought in that meane while,French lords slaine. in the which the French lost manie of their no|bles and gentlemen, as the lord Pa [...]rou [...]tars de Tries, brother to the marshall of France, the lord Matelonne or Martelonne, the lord de la Ualle, and the bastard of Bourbon, with other, to the number (as some haue written) of fiue hundred. But Engue|rant de Monstrellet affirmeth, that vpon their re|turne into France, there wanted not aboue thrée|score persons of all their companies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After they had laine thus one against an other the space of eight daies (as before is said) vittels began to faile, so that they were inforced to dislodge. The French and Welshmen withdrew into Wales, and though the Englishmen followed, yet impeached with the desart grounds and barren countrie, tho|rough which they must passe, as our felles and crag|gie mounteins, from hill to dale, from marish to wood, from naught to woorsse (as Hall saith) without vittels or succour, the king was of force constr [...]ned to retire with his armie, and returne againe to Wor|cester, in which returne the enimies tooke certeine ca|riages of his laden with vittels. The Frenchmen af|ter the armies were thus withdrawne, returned into Britaine,

The French|men returne home.

Anno Reg. 7.

making small brags of their painefull iournie.

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