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Snippet: 59 of 197 (1587, Volume 6, p. 519) Compare 1577 edition:
1 About the
same time,
Anno Reg. 3. Owen Glen|douer.
The danger of the king to haue béene de|stroied.
Owen Glendouer and his Welshmen did much hurt to the kings subiects. One night as the king was going
to bed, he was in dan|ger to haue beene destroied; for some naughtie traito|rous persons had conueied into
his bed a certeine iron made with smiths craft, like a caltrop, with three long prickes, sharpe and small,
standing vpright, in such sort, that when he had laid him downe, & that the weight of his bodie
should come vpon the bed, he should haue beene thrust in with those pricks, and per|aduenture slaine: but as
God would, the king not thinking of any such thing, chanced yet to féele and perceiue the instrument before
he laid him downe, and so escaped the danger. ¶Howbeit he was not so soone deliuered from feare; for he
might well haue his life in suspicion, & prouide for the preseruation of the same; sith perils of
death crept into his secret cham|ber, and laie lurking in the bed of downe where his bodie was to be reposed
and to take rest. Oh what a suspected state therefore is that of a king holding his regiment with the hatred
of his people, the hartgrud|gings of his courtiers, and the peremptorie practises of both togither? Could he
confidentlie compose or setle himselfe to sleepe for feare of strangling? Durst he boldly eat and drinke
without dread of poisoning? Might he aduenture to shew himselfe in great mée|tings or solemne assemblies
without mistrust of mis|cheefe against his person intended? What pleasure or what felicitie could he take in
his princelie pompe, which he knew by manifest and fearefull experience, to be enuied and maligned to the
verie death? The state of such a king is noted by the poet in Diony|sius, as in a mirror,
concerning whome it is said,
Districtus ensis cui super impia
Ceruice pendet,Hor. lib. ca. 3. Ode. 1.
non Siculae dapes
Dulcem elaborabunt saporem,
Non auium cytharae cantus,
Snippet: 60 of 197 (1587, Volume 6, p. 519) Compare 1577 edition:
1 This yeare,
the eight day of Aprill deceassed the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike. In the moneth of March appeared a blasing starre,
The earle of Warwike de|parteth this life.
A blasing starre.
first be|twéene the east part of the firmament and the north, flashing foorth fire and flames round
about it, and lastlie, shooting foorth fierie beams towards the north, foreshewing (as was thought) the
great effusion of bloud that followed, about the parts of Wales and Northumberland. For much about the same
time, Owen Glendouer (with his Welshmen) fought with the lord Greie of Ruthen, comming foorth to de|fend his
possessions, which the same Owen wasted and destroied: and as the fortune of that daies worke fell out, the
lord Greie was taken prisoner,The lord Greie of Ru|then taken in fight by Owẽ
Glendouer. and ma|nie of his men were slaine. This hap lifted the Welshmen into high pride, and
increased merue|louslie their wicked and presumptuous attempts.
Snippet: 61 of 197 (1587, Volume 6, p. 519) Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 520About Whitsuntide a conspiracie was deuised by certeine persons, that wished the kings
death, main|teining and bruting abroad,
A brute was spred abroad that king Ri|chard was li|uing.
A priest takẽ.
that king Richard was aliue, and therefore exhorted men to stand with him, for shortlie he would
come to light, and reward such as tooke his part with iust recompense. Herewith, there was a priest taken at
Ware, or (as some books haue) at Warwike, who had a kalendar or roll, in which a great number of names were
written, more than were in any wise guiltie of the fact, as after|wards appeared by the same priests
confession. For being examined, whether he knew such persons as he had so
inrolled, & were there present before him, he said he neuer knew them at all; and being deman|ded
wherefore he had then so recorded their names, he answered, bicause he thought they would gladlie doo what
mischiefe they could against king Henrie, vpon any occasion offered in reuenge of the iniuries doone to king
Richard, by whom they had beene ad|uanced, and princelie preferred. When therfore there appeared no more credit in the man, he was condem|ned,He is
execu|ted. drawen, hanged, and quartered, and diuerse that had beene apprehended about that
matter, were re|leased,The prior of Laund appre|hended. and set at libertie.
Shortlie after, the prior of Laund (who for his euill gouernment had béene de|priued of his state and
dignitie) was likewise execu|ted, not for attempting any thing of himselfe, but on|lie for that he
confessed, that he knew euill counsell and concealed it. His name was Walter Baldocke, a canon sometime in
Dunstable, and by king Ri|chard promoted to the priorship of Laund.
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