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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 At the same time,The Iles of Orkenie spoiled by Englishmen. Mortalitie of people. the Englishmen spoiled also cer|teine of the Iles of Orkeneie. This summer, great death chanced in this land, manie dieng of the pesti|lence, wherewith sundrie places were infected. King Henrie perceiuing that policie oftentimes preuen|teth perill, and vnderstanding the naughtie purpo|ses of the Scots, gathered a great armie,King Henrie inuadeth Scotland. and entred into Scotland, burning townes, villages, and ca|stels, with a great part of the townes of Eden|burgh and Léeth, and besieged the castell of Eden|burgh in the end of September, whereof was cap|teine Dauid duke of Rothsaie,The duke of Rothsaie. and a prince of the realme, with Archembald earle of Dowglas, hauing with them manie hardie men of warre. Robert duke of Albanie,The duke of Albanie. that was appointed gouernour of the realme, because the king was sicke and not méet to rule, sent an herald vnto king Henrie, promising him battell within six daies at the furthest, Anno Reg. [...], if he would so long tarrie, which king Henrie promised to doo right gladlie, and gaue to the herald for bringing him so acceptable newes, a gowne of silke, and a cheine of gold. But king Henrie staied six daies, and sixtéene too, without hearing any word of the gouernors com|ming. Then the winter beginning to wax cold, and foule weather still increasing, caused the king to breake vp his siege, and so returned without battell or skirmish offered.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane time that the king was thus in Scotland,

King Henrie returneth home.

The Scots burne in Nor|thumberland. Iusts at Yorke.

the Scots made a rode into Northumber|land, and burned diuerse townes in Bamburrough shire. At the kings comming backe to Yorke, there were two strangers, the one a Frenchman, and the other an Italian, requiring to accomplish certeine feats of armes, against sir Iohn Cornewall, and Ia|nico de Artois. Their request was granted, and the strangers were put to the woorst, whereby sir Iohn Cornewall obteined the kings fauour so farre foorth,Sir Iohn Cornewall marrieth the kings sister. that he married the kings sister, the widow of Iohn Holland, earle of Huntington. Yet some said, that the knight and the countesse were agréed aforehand, without the kings consent. In the kings absence, whilest he was foorth of the realme in Scotland a|gainst his enimies,The Welsh|men rebell by the setting [...] of Owen Glendouer. the Welshmen tooke occasion to rebell vnder the conduct of their capteine Owen Glendouer, dooing what mischeefe they could deuise, vnto their English neighbours. This Owen Glen|douer was sonne to an esquier of Wales, Iohn Stow. Owen Glen|douer what he was. named Griffith Uichan: he dwelled in the parish of Con|waie, within the countie of Merioneth in North|wales, in a place called Glindourwie, which is as much to saie in English, as The vallie by the side of the water of Dée, by occasion whereof he was sur|named Glindour Dew.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 He was first set to studie the lawes of the realme, and became an vtter barrester, or an apprentise of the law (as they terme him) and serued king Richard at Flint castell, when he was taken by Henrie duke of Lancaster, though other haue written that he serued this king Henrie the fourth, Tho. Wal [...]. before he came to at|teine the crowne, in roome of an esquier, and after, by reason of variance that rose betwixt him and the lord Reginald Greie of Ruthin, about the lands which he EEBO page image 519 claimed to be his by right of inheritance: when he saw that he might not preuaile, finding no such fauor in his sute as he looked for, he first made warre a|gainst the said lord Greie,The occasion that mooued him to rebell. wasting his lands and possessions with fire and sword, cruellie killing his seruants and tenants. The king aduertised of such re|bellious exploits,The king en|treth into wales, mea|ning to cha|stise ye rebels. enterprised by the said Owen, and his vnrulie complices, determined to chastise them, as disturbers of his peace, and so with an armie en|tered into Wales; but the Welshmen with their capteine withdrew into the mounteines of Snow|don, so to escape the reuenge, which the king meant towards them. The king therefore did much hurt in the countries with fire and sword, sleing diuerse that with weapon in hand came foorth to resist him, and so with a great bootie of beasts and cattell he returned.

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