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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king was sore offended with the obstinatnes of the rebell, that would not agree otherwise: but so as he might remaine still at libertie, without danger to suffer anie maner of punishment for his passed of|fenses. Wherevpon the king after his comming to Dublin, and that the armie had rested there, Anno Reg. 23. He came to Dublin the 28 of Iune as Henrie Marl. saith. and in the countrie neere to the citie, for the space of fiftéene daies, he diuided his people into three parts, and sent them abroad into the countrie to pursue the enimies and withall made proclamation, that who so euer could bring Macmur vnto his presence, should haue for his recompense a great reward: for he determi|ned not to depart the countrie, till he had him either dead or aliue. But he knew full little then what inci|dents to hinder his purposed intention would after follow.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same daie that he sent abroad his armie thus into three seuerall parts,The duke of Aumarle. the duke of Aumarle with an hundred saile arriued, of whose cõming the king was right ioifull; and although he had vsed no small negligence in that he came no sooner according to or|der before appointed, yet the king (as he was of a gentle nature) courteouslie accepted his excuse: whe|ther he was in fault or not, I haue not to saie; but verelie he was greatlie suspected, that he dealt not well in tarieng so long after his time assigned. But now whilest the king rested at Dublin, his people so demeaned themselues, that the most part of the re|bels, what by manhood and policie were subdued, and brought vnder subiection, and (as is to be thought) if no trouble had risen in England to haue called him backe, he meant to haue rid vp the woods, and made some notable conquest at that time vpon the rebels that yet held out. Neuerthelesse, during the time of his abode there, such was the prowesse of him and his, that the Irish were well tamed, and forced to submit themselues: and yet the kings power made no great slaughter of them, if it be true that Christ. Okl. saith, speaking hereof in few words as after followeth:

Pergit ad indomitos princeps Richardus Hibernos,In Angl. praelijs sub Rich. 2.
In potestatem multo sine sanguine, saeuo
Marte reluctantes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now whilest he was thus occupied in deuising how to reduce them into subiection, and taking orders for the good staie and quiet gouernment of the countrie, diuerse of the nobilitie, aswell prelats as other, and likewise manie of the magistrats and rulers of the cities, townes, and communaltie, here in England, perceiuing dailie how the realme drew to vtter ru|ine, not like to be recouered to the former state of wealth, whilest king Richard lived and reigned (as they tooke it) deuised with great deliberation,The duke of Lancaster so|licited to ex|pell king Ri|chard, and to take vpon him the regiment. and considerate aduise, to send and signifie by letters vn|to duke Henrie, whome they now called (as he was in déed) duke of Lancaster and Hereford, requiring him with all conuenient speed to conueie himselfe into England, promising him all their aid, power and assistance, if he expelling K. Richard, as a man not meet for the office he bare, would take vpon him the scepter, rule, and diademe of his natiue land and re|gion.

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