Compare 1577 edition: 1 At his comming into France, king Charles hea|ring the cause of his banishment (which he esteemed to be verie light) receiued him gentlie,The duke of Hereford is honorablie in|terteined with the French king. and him hono|rablie interteined, in so much that he had by fauour obteined in mariage the onelie daughter of the duke of Berrie, vncle to the French king, if king Richard had not béene a let in that matter, who being thereof certified, sent the earle of Salisburie with all speed into France, both to surmize by vntrue suggestion, Froissard. heinous offenses against him, and also to require the French king that in no wise he would suffer his cou|sine to be matched in mariage with him that was so manifest an offendor. This was a pestilent kind of proceeding against that nobleman then being in a forren countrie, hauing béne so honorablie receiued as he was at his entrance into France, and vpon view and good liking of his behauiour there, so for|ward in mariage with a ladie of noble linage. So sharpe, so seuere, & so heinous an accusation, brought to a strange king from a naturall prince, against his subiect, after punishment inflicted (for he was bani|shed) was inough to haue made the French king his fatall [...]o, & vpon suspicion of assaieng the like treche|rie against him, to haue throwne him out of the li|mits of his land. But what will enuie leaue vnat|tempted, where it is once setled? And how are the ma|licious tormented with egernes of reuenge against them whom they maligne, wringing themselues in the meane ti [...]e with inward pangs gnawing them at the hart? wherevnto serueth the poets allusion,
Inuidia Siculi non inuenêre tyranniMaius tormentum.Hor. lib. [...]pist. 1.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 On Newyeares day this yeare, the riuer that pas|seth betwixt Suelleston or Snelston, and Harewood, two villages not far from Bedford, sudenlie ceassed his course, so as the chanell remained drie by the space of thrée miles, that any man might enter into, and passe the same drie foot at his pleasure. This di|uision, which the water made in that place, the one part séeming as it were not to come néere to the o|ther, was iudged to signifie the reuolting of the sub|iects of this land from their naturall prince. It may be, that the water of that riuer sanke into the ground, and by some secret passage or chanell tooke EEBO page image 496 course till it came to the place where it might rise a|gaine as in other places is likewise [...].
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ye haue heard before, how the archbishop of Can|turburie Thomas Arundell, was banish the [...], and Roger Walden was made archbishop o [...] that [...]ee, Fabian. who was a great fauourer of the citie of London, the which was eftsoones about this season falle [...] the kings displeasure: but by the diligent labour of this archbishop, and of Robert Braibrooke then bi|shop of London, vpon the humble supplication of the citizens,Blanke char|ters. the kings wrath was pacif [...]ed. But yet to content the kings mind, manie blanke charters were deuised, and brought into the citie, which manie of the substantiall and wealthie citizens were s [...]me to seale, to their great charge, as in the end appeared. And the like charters were sent abroad into all shires within the realme, whereby great grudge and mur|muring arose among the people: for when they were so sealed, the kings officers wrote in the same what liked them, as well for charging the parties with pai|ment of monie, as otherwise.