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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But after he had made an end, and paused a little, he said: The king our souereigne lord of his mercie and grace, bicause thou art of his bloud, and one of the peeres of the realme, hath remit|ted all the other paines, sauing the last, that is to saie, the beheading, and so thou shalt onelie lose thy head; and foorthwith he was had awaie, & led through London vnto the Tower hill. There went with him to sée the execution doone six great lords, of whome there were thrée earles, Notingham (that had marri|ed his daughter) Kent (that was his daughters son) and Huntington, being mounted on great horsses, with a great companie of armed men, and the fierce bands of the Cheshire-men, furnished with axes, swords, bowes and arrowes, marching before and behind him, who onelie in this parlement had licence to beare weapon, as some haue written. When he should depart the palace, he desired that his hands might be losed to dispose such monie as he had in his pursse, betwixt that place and Charingcrosse. This was permitted, and so he gaue such monie as he had in almes with his owne hands, but his armes were still bound behind him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When he came to the Tower hill, the noble men that were about him, mooued him right earnestlie to EEBO page image 492 acknowledge his treason against the king. But he in no wise would so doo, but mainteined that he was neuer traitour in word or deed: and herewith percei|uing the earles of Notingham and Kent, that stood by with other noble men busie to further the executi|on (being as yée haue heard) of kin and alied to him, he spake to them, and said:

Trulie it would haue be|séemed you rather to haue béene absent than here at this businesse. But the time will come yer it be long, when as manie shall meruell at your misfortune as doo now at mine.
After this, forgiuing the executio|ner, he besought him not to torment him long, but to strike off his head at one blowe, and féeling the edge of the sword, whether it was sharpe inough or not, he said;
It is verie well, doo that thou hast to doo quick|lie, and so knéeling downe, the executioner with one stroke, strake off his head: his bodie was buried to|gither with his head in the church of the Augustine friers in Breadstréet within the citie of London.The executiõ of the earle of Arundell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The death of this earle was much lamented a|mong the people, considering his sudden fall and mi|s [...]rable end, where as not long before among all the noblemen of this land (within the which was such a number, as no countrie in the world had greater store at that present) there was none more esteemed: so noble and valiant he was, that all men spake ho|nour of him. After his death, as the fame went, the king was sore vexed in his sléepe with horrible dreames, imagining that he saw this earle appeare vnto him threatning him, & putting him in horrible feare, as if he had said with the poet to king Richard;

Ouid.Nunc quó factorum venio memor vmbra tuorum,
Insequor & vultus ossea forma tuos.

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