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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These estates being come to Arundell castell at the daie appointed, Anno Reg. 1 [...]. about the verie beginning of the one and twentith yeare of king Richards reigne, they sware [...]ch to other to be assistant in all such matters as they should determine, and therewith re|ceiued the sacrament at the hands of the archbishop of Canturburie, who celebrated masse before them the morow after. Which doone, they withdrew into a chamber, and fell in counsell togither, where in the end they light vpon this point; to take king Richard,The purp [...]s of the conspi|rators. the dukes of Lancaster & Yorke, and commit them to prison, and all the other lords of the kings councell they determined shuld be drawne and hanged. Such was their purpose which they ment to haue accom|plished in August following. But the earle marshall that was lord deputie of Calis, and had married the earle of Arundels daughter, discouered all their coun|sell to the king, and the verie daie in which they should begin their enterprise.The earle marshall dis|closeth the conspira [...]ie. The king bad the earle mar|shall take héed what hehad said, for if it proued not true, he should repent it: but the earle constantlie herevnto answered, that if the matter might be pro|ued otherwise, he was contented to be drawne and quartered.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The king herevpon went to London, where he dined at the house of his brother the earle of Hun|tington in the stréet behind All hallowes church vp|on the banke of the riuer of Thames, which was a right faire and statelie house. After dinner, he gaue his councell to vnderstand all the matter; by whose aduise it was agreed, that the king should assemble foorthwith what power he might conuenientite make of men of armes & archers, and streightwaies take horsse, accompanied with his brother the earle of Huntington, & the earle marshall. Herevpon at six of the clocke in the afternoone, the iust houre when they vsed to go to supper, the king mounted on horsse|backe, and rode his waie; whereof the Londoners had great maruell. After that the king began to ap|proch the dukes house at Plashie in Essex, where he then laie, he commanded his brother the earle of Huntington to ride afore,The earle of Rutland saith R. Gra [...]o [...] to know if the duke were at home, and if he were, then to tell him that the king was comming at hand to speake with him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The earle with ten persons in his companie amen|ding his pase (for the king had made no great has [...] EEBO page image 489 all the night before, as should appeare by his iournie) came to the house, and entering into the court, asked if the duke were at home, and vnderstanding by a gentlewoman that made him answer, that both the duke and duchesse were yet in bed, he besought hir to go to the duke, and to shew him that the king was comming at hand to speake with him, and foorthwith came the king with a competent number of men of armes, and a great companie of archers, riding in|to the base court, his trumpets sounding before him. The duke herewith came downe into the base court, where the king was, hauing none other apparell vpon him, but his shirt, and a cloke or a mantell cast about his shoulders, and with humble reuerence said that his grace was welcome, asking of the lords how it chanced they came so earlie, and sent him no word of their comming? The king herewith courteouslie re|quested him to go and make him readie, and appoint his horsse to be sadled, for that he must needs ride with him a little waie, and conferre with him of businesse. The duke went vp againe into his chamber to put vpon him his clothes, and the king alighting from his horsse, fell in talke with the duchesse and hir la|dies. The earle of Huntington and diuerse other followed the duke into the hall, and there staied for him, till he had put on his raiment. And within a while they came foorth againe all togither into the base court, where the king was deliting with the du|chesse in pleasant talke, whom he willed now to re|turne to hir lodging againe, for he might staie no longer, and so tooke his horsse againe, and the duke likewise. But shortlie after that the king and all his companie were gone foorth of the gate of the base court, he commanded the earle marshall to appre|hend the duke,The duke of Glocester ar|rested. which incontinentlie was doone accor|ding to the kings appointment.

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