Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Lancaster, that in the thirteenth yeare of king Richards reigne had beene created by autho|ritie of parlement, duke of Aquitaine, was about this present time sent thither,The duke of Lancaster sai|leth into A|quitaine with an armie. with fiue hundred men of armes, & a thousand archers, to take posses|sion of that duchie, according to the kings grant, by his letters patents thereof had, made, and confir|med with his seale, in presence of the most part of all the nobles and great lords of England, to hold all that countrie to the said duke and his heires for euer in as large manner and forme, as his father king Edward the third, or anie other kings of England, or dukes of Aquitaine before time had holden, and as king Richard at that season had & held the same, the homage alwaies yet reserued to the kings of England for euer. But all this notwithstanding, at his comming thither, so farre were the Gascoignes,The Gas|coignes flatlie refuse to ac|cept the duke of Lancaster for their so|uereigne. and other people of those marches from receiuing him with ioy and triumph, that they plainelie told him, they would not atturne to him, nor be vnder his iurisdiction at anie hand, although he had brought ouer with him commissioners sufficientlie authori|sed, both to discharge them of their former allegiance to the king, and to inuest him in possession of that du|chie, in maner and forme as before is said.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now to returne to king Richard, ye shall vn|derstand, that when all his prouision and roiall ar|mie was readie, about Michaelmas, he tooke the sea, and landed at Waterford the second of October,K. Richard passeth ouer into Ireland with a migh|tie armie. and so remained in Ireland all that winter: his people were lodged abroad in the countrie, and lay so wari|lie as they might. For although the Irishmen durst not attempt anie exploit openlie against the Eng|lishmen, after the kings arriuall with so puissant an armie, yet they would steale sometimes vpon them, where they espied anie aduantage, and disquiet them in their lodgings. But when the English still pre|uailed, diuerse of the greatest princes among them came in, and submitted themselues. Amongst other, Froissard. Foure Irish kings submit themselues to K. Richard. foure kings are mentioned, as the great Onell king of Meth, Brine of Thomond king of Thomond, Ar|thur Macmur king of Lineister, and Conhur king of Cheueno and Darpe: these kings were courteous|lie interteined and much made of by king Richard, who kept his Christmas this yeare at Dubline. And after that feast was ended, he held a parlement there,A parlement holden in Ireland. to the which all his subiects of Ireland, vnto whom it apperteined, resorted, as well those that had conti|nued vnder the English gouernement aforetime, as those that were latelie yéelded.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Also at the same time, after the octaues of the E|piphanie, the duke of Yorke,A parlement at Westmin|ster, king Ri|chard being in Ireland. lord warden of Eng|land, now in the kings absence, caused a parlement to be called at Westminster, to the which was sent forth of Ireland the duke of Glocester, that he might declare to the commons the kings necessitie, to haue some grant of monie to supplie his want, hauing spent no small quantitie of treasure in that iournie made into Ireland. The dukes words were so well heard and beléeued, that a whole tenth was granted by the clergie, and a fiftéenth by the laitie; but not without protestation, that those paiements were granted of a meere good will, for the loue they bare to the king, and to haue his businesse go forwards, which because it required great expenses, both for that his owne roiall person was abiding in Ireland about the subduing of the rebels, as also because his retinue and power could not be mainteined without excessiue charges; they seemed to be no lesse desirous to haue the same ended, than they which were dailie agents in the same, not without feare of misfortune likelie to befall them, hauing to deale with a people of such barbarous and rebellious behauior.