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EEBO page image 472In this Iohn Hastings ended all the honorable ti|tles of the Hastings, bicause this man dieng without issue, his inheritances were dispersed to diuerse persons; for the honour of Penbroke came to Fran|cis at court by the kings gift, the baronies of Ha|stings and Weisford came to Reinold Greie of Ru|thine, the baronie of Aburgauennie was granted to William Beauchampe of Bedford: for all which lands, and for the bearing of the armes of this same Iohn Hastings without difference, great contenti|on grew betwéene sir Edward Hastings knight (des|cended of Isabell Spenser) and Reinold Greie lord Greie of Ruthine, sonne of Reinold Greie, sonne of Roger Greie, that married Elizabeth daughter of Isabell Ualence, for both the said lord Greie and sir Edward Hastings were descended by two venters (as partlie before and partlie hereafter shalbe shew|ed) from one man Iohn Hastings, husband to both said Isabels. For the explanation whereof, and line|all descent to conueie the said sir Edward Hastings from the said Iohn Hastings, first lord of Aburga|uennie of that surname; I must here repeat a little of that which I haue alreadie written: which is, that the said Iohn Hastings first lord of Aburgauennie, hauing two wiues, both Isabels, by his first wife Isa|bell Ualence had Elizabeth maried to Roger Greie, and by his second wife Isabell Spenser, he had issue sir Hugh Hastings knight, from whome we are to deduce the said sir Edward Hastings in this sort. Hugh Hastings knight lord of Folliot (in the right of his wife) being sonne of the second wombe of Isa|bell Spenser, and Iohn Hastings sonne of Henrie Hastings married Margerie the daughter and heire of sir Richard Folliot, by whom he came to be lord of Folliot, and alwaies bare the armes of Hastings with a difference of a second brother of a second ven|ter. This marriage was procured and made by Isa|bell his mother, who purchased the said ward for him. This Hugh died in the yeare of Christ 1347, in the one and twentith yeare of Edward the third, and was buried in the church of Elsing, in Elsrug in Northfolke which he builded; his wife Margerie died in the yeare 1349, being the thrée and twentith yeare of Edward the third, and was buried in the chappell of Fornewell. This Hugh had issue by his wife Hugh Hastings his heire, and a daughter married to sir Robert de la Mare.

Hugh Hastings knight, the sonne of Hugh and Margerie Folliot did marrie the daughter of Adam de Eueringham, by whom he had Hugh Hastings his sonne and heire, and two daughters, the one mar|ried to Winkfield, and the other to a knight called Elmham. This Hugh died at Calkewelhell or Gwines, and was buried in the friers of Doncaster, in the yeare of our Lord 1369, about the foure & for|tith yéere of Edward the third. This man for him and his heires in difference from the other Hastings, earles of Penkroke his kinsmen by the halfe blood, did beare the Hastings armes with the labell, quar|tered with the armes of Folliot. Hugh Hastings knight the sonne of Hugh and Margaret Euering|ham married Anne the daughter of Edward Spen|ser earle of Glocester, by whom he had issue Hugh Hastings and Edward Hastings, which contended with Reinold Greie lord of Ruthine. This Hugh tooke his pilgrimage to Ierusalem & died in Spaine, after whose death dame Anne Spenser his wife was maried to Thomas lord Morleie. Hugh Hastings eldest son of Hugh Hastings and dame Anne Spen|ser, married the daughter of sir Wil. Blunt knight; this Hugh died at Calis at the mariage of Richard the second, to Isabell the daughter of the king of France, about the 19 yeare of the reigne of the said Richard, being the yeare of our redemption 1395, who dieng without issue, all his right and title came to his brother Edward.

Edward Hastings knight brother of the last Hugh began the contention with Reinold Greie lord of Ruthine, for the right of the lands, honors, and armes without difference of the last Iohn Hastings earle of Penbroke. This sute began about the eight yeare of Henrie the fourth, and continued at least vntill the fift yeare of Henrie the fift, if not longer; but in the end (notwithstanding manie false pedegrees coun|terfeited by this Hastings, and his vncle Henrie bi|shop of Norwich, one of the house of the Spensers) yet it was adiudged against the said sir Edward Ha|stings in the marshals court, that the lands, honors, and armes without difference, as the last Iohn Ha|stings earle of Penbroke did beare them, with the armes of William Ualence earle of Penbroke, should be onelie borne by the said lord Greie of Ru|thine and his heires, as being of the whole blood, and next heire to the said last Iohn Hastings earle of Penbroke: and that the said Edward Hastings should vtterlie be barred to beare the armes of Ha|stings, but quartered with the armes of Folliot, as onelie descending of the halfe blood to the said last earle of Penbroke of that name. And that all other pedegrees what so euer (except this) are false, and of purpose contriued, as appeareth by a notable booke and monument thereof remaining in the hands of Henrie Greie now earle of Kent (descended of the said Reinold Greie of Ruthine) conteining all the processe, examinations, witnesses, pedegrees & iudge|ments thereof, more plainelie maie appeare. In which contention there was shewed a matter by the deposition of sir William Hoo knight not vnworthie to be remembred (though it touch not the Hastings) concerning armorie and bearing of differences in armes, which was, that the said sir William said on his oth in the tenth yeare of Henrie the fourth, that before the times of Edward the third, the labell of three points was the different appropriat and appur|tenant for the cognizance of the next heire; but the same king made his sons to beare the entire armes with labels of thrée points, with certeine differences in the said labels, to be knowen the one from the o|ther, except his sonne the duke of Glocester, who bare a border about the armes of France and England. And thus, this much Francis Thin touching the name of Hastings.

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