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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit this his iournie to Canturburie was suddenlie staied, vpon knowledge had of the gathe|ring togither of the lords in Haringie parke, where|with the king being sore amazed, called togither such as he trusted, to vnderstand what their opinion was of the matter; and vnderstanding that the purposed intention of the lords, for which they were so assem|bled, was to this end (as they pretended) to bring him vnto a better trade of life, and more profitable or|der of gouernement, he was streight striken with no small feare, demanding of them their aduise,Councell ta|ken how to deale against the lords. what was best for him to doo in such troublesome state of things. Some were of this mind, that it should be best to séeke to appease the lords with faire promises, assuring them, that they should haue their desires. O|ther thought it better to assemble the kings friends, and ioining them with the Londoners, to go foorth and trie the hazard of battell with the lords. Among them that were of this mind, the archbishop of Yorke was the chiefest. But other that were thought to vn|derstand more of the world than he did, iudged it not wisedome so to doo, considering that if the king lost the field, then should great harme and dishonor fol|low; and if the victorie fell to his side, yet could he gaine naught, but lose a great number of his sub|iects.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This was in Nouember, at what time the king, vp|on his returning from Canturburie, meant to haue holden a parlement; but through those stirs, neither his iournie to Canturburie, nor the parlement went forward: yet he caused order to be giuen, that no ci|tizen of London should fell to the duke of Glocester, the earle of Arundell, or any other of the lords, any armour, bowes, arrowes, or other munition, or mat|ter that might tend to the furniture of warre, vpon a great paine. But notwithstanding, the lords went forward with their businesse;The lords send messen|gers to the king. and before they approch|ed the citie of London, they sent to the king the arch|bishop of Canturburie, the lord Iohn Louell, the lord Cobham, and the lord Iohn Deuereux, requiring to haue deliuered vnto them such as were about him, that were traitors and seducers both of him and the realme, that sought nothing else, but to trouble both poore and rich, and to sow discord and variance betwixt the king and his nobles. And further, they declared that their comming was for the honor and wealth both of the king and realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But the king being ruled altogither by the duke of Ireland, the earle of Suffolke, and two or three o|ther, was fullie persuaded that the lords intended to bring him vnder their gouernement, and therfore he was counselled to make the French king his sure friend in all vrgent necessities. And to be assured of him, it was reported, that those councellors aduised him to render vp into the French kings hands the towne of Calis, and all that he had else in possession, on the further side of the sea. Howsoeuer this matter went, truth it is, that the king sent for the maior of London,A rash an|swer of the maior of London. requiring to know of him how manie able men they thought the citie could make. The maior answered, that he thought verely the citizens might EEBO page image 459 make in time of need, fiftie thousand men, within an houres respit. Well said the king, then I beseech you go and prooue what will be doone. But when the maior began to attempt the matter, he was answered ge|nerallie,The Londo|ners refuse to fight against the lords. that they would neuer fight against the kings freends, and defenders of the realme (as indeed they tooke the lords to be) but against the enimies of the king and realme they would alwaies be readie to fight, and shew what resistance they were able. This answer the maior reported to the king.

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