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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke of Ireland vnderstood all these things, and therefore was the more circumspect for his owne safetie, and studied how by some meanes he might dispatch the duke of Glocester out of the waie, as the man whom he most feared; least his life should be his destruction, by one means or other. Easter was now past, the time (as ye haue heard) appointed before the which the duke of Ireland should haue transported o|uer into Ireland, & yet was he not set forward. But least somewhat might be thought in the matter, and for feare of some stir to be raised by the lords of the realme, that wished him gone, according to the order prescribed at the last parlement,Dissention betwixt the king & the nobles. the king as it were to bring him to the water side, went with him into Wales, where being out of the waie, they might de|uise how to dispatch the duke of Glocester, the earles of Arundell, Warwike, Derbie, and Notingham, with others of that faction. There were with the king, beside the duke of Ireland Michaell de la Poole earle of Suffolke, Robert Trisilian lord chiefe iustice, and diuers other, which doubtfull of their owne safegards did what they could (as writers report) to mooue the king forward to the destruction of those noblemen. After the king had remained in those parties a good while,1388 Anno Reg. 11. he returned, and brought the duke of Ireland backe with him againe so that it seemed his voiage into Ireland was now quite forgotten.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Grafton. About the same time, Robert Trisilian lord chiefe iustice of England came to Couentrie, and indicted there two thousand persons. The king and the quéene came to Grobie, and thither came by his commande|ment the iustices of the realme. There were also with him at the same time, Alexander archb. of Yorke, Ro|bert Ueere duke of Ireland, Michaell de la Poole earle of Suffolke,Certeine questions in law deman|ded of the iustices. Robert Trisilian, & his fellowes; of whom it was demanded, if by the lawes of the realme the king might reuoke the ordinances made in the last parlement, to the which he had giuen his consent in manner by constraint; and they made an|swer that he might. Then were the iustices comman|ded to come vnto Notingham, where the king ap|pointed to meet them, and thither he came according to his appointment, and held a solemne councell in the castell of Notingham,A councell [...] at Notingham. the morrow after S. Bar|tholomews day.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this councell were the aforesaid archbishop of Yorke, the duke of Ireland, the earle of Suffolke, Robert Trisilian iustice, Robert Bramble iustice, and sundrie other, all which iustices were comman|ded to set their hands vnto the question vnder writ|ten that by meanes thereof, those persons that were about the king thought they might haue good occa|sion to put the duke of Glocester, and other lords that were his complices vnto death, which in the last par|lement were ordeined to haue the gouernance of the realme, and all such as were consenting to the same. Diuerse of the iustices refused to subscribe, but yet they were cons [...]reined to doo as the rest did, among the which was Iohn Belknap, who vtterlie refused,Iustice Belknap [...]pelled to [...]|scribe. till the duke of Ireland, and the earle of Suffolke compelled him thereto; for if he had persisted in the refusall, he had not escaped their hands, and yet when he had set to his seale, he burst out into these words;

Now (said he) here lacketh nothing but a rope,Iustice Belknaps words. that I might receiue a reward worthie for my desert, and I know, if I had not doone this, I might not haue esca|ped your hands, so that for your pleasures and the kings I haue doone it, and deserued thereby death at the hands of the lords.
Which indéed shortlie follow|ed, for in the next parlement he was condemned and executed. All this remained in record.

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