Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also by authoritie of this parlement, Roger lord Mortimer earle of March,The lord Mortimer erle of March procl [...]ed heire appa|rant to the crowne. sonne and heire of Ed|mund Mortimer earle of March, and of the ladie Phi|lip eldest daughter and heire vnto Lionell duke of Clarence, third sonne to king Edward the third, was established heire apparant to the crowne of this realme, and shortlie after so proclaimed. The which earle of March, anon after the end of the same par|lement, sailed into Ireland to his lordship of Ulster, whereof he was owner by right of his said mother: but whilest he remained there to pacifie the rebelli|ons of the wild Irish,The earle of March [...] by the wild Irish. a great number of them togi|ther assembled, came vpon him and slue him, togither with the most part of his companie. This Roger earle of March had issue Edmund, Roger, Anne,The issue of the foresaid earle of March. Ales, & Eleanor, which Eleanor was made a nunne. The two sonnes died without issue, and Anne the el|dest of the daughters was married to Richard earle of Cambridge, sonne vnto Edmund of Langlie be|fore remembred: the which Richard had issue by the said Anne, a son called Richard, that was after duke of Yorke, and father to king Edward the fourth; also a daughter named Isabell, afterwards married to the lord Bourcher. This Richard earle of Cambridge was put to death by Henrie the fift, as after ye shall heare.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, in this yeare Henrie of Bollingbrooke earle of Derbie married the daughter and heire of Humfrie Bohun earle of Hereford, in whose right he was after made duke of Hereford, and by hir he had issue Henrie that after him was king of this relme, the ladie Blanch duches of Bar, and the ladie Philip married to the king of Denmarke: also Thomas duke of Clarence, Iohn duke of Bedford, and Hum|frie duke of Glocester. ¶The Gauntiners still main|teined warre against the earle of Flanders during his life, and after his deceasse against Philip duke of Burgogne, by such aid and comfort as they had from time to time of the king of England, till finallie this yeare about the eightenth daie of December, a peace was concluded betwixt the said duke and the towne of Gaunt: and sir Iohn Bourchier that had laine a long season there, as capteine vnder the K. of Eng|land, and Peter de Bois one of the chéefe capteins of the Gauntiners (before the concluding of this peace) were safelie conducted to Calis by vertue of the duke of Burgogne his safe conduct, and so they came ouer into England, Froissard. and the king gaue vnto Peter de Bois a pension of an hundred marks sterling, yearelie to be paid to him out of the staples of the woolles in London.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare king Richard holding his Christmasse at Eltham,The king of Armeni [...] cõ|meth into England [...] aid against the Turks. thither came to him Leo king of Arme|nia, whose countrie and realme being in danger to be conquered of the Turks, he was come into those west parts of christendome for aid and succour at the hands of the christian princes here. The king honora|blie receiued him, and after he had taken counsell touching his request, he gaue him great summes of monie and other rich gifts, with a stipend (as some write) of a thousand pounds yearely to be paid to him during his life. Thom. Wals. After he had remained here two moneths space, he tooke leaue of the king and depar|ted. The chiefest point of his errand was, to haue pro|cured a peace betwixt the two kings of England and France, but destinie would not permit so good a pur|pose to take effect: for the hatred which either nation bare to other, would not suffer their loftie minds to yeeld in any one point, further than seemed good in their owne opinions.