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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hect. Boetius. The king aduancing forwards with his armie, came to the borders, and entring into Scotland, pas|sed thorough Mers and Louthian, wasting and spoi|ling all the townes, houses and villages in his waie. The abbeies of Melros, Driburgh, and Newbottell were burnt, and those moonks and other people that were found in the same were slaine. At his comming to Edenburgh,Edenburgh burnt by king Richard. he found all the people fled out of the towne, but the houses and buildings he consumed with fire, togither with the church of saint Giles. At the humble sute of his vncle the duke of Lancaster, Holie rood house was preserued from hurt, for that the same duke in time of the rebellion of the com|mons here in England, was lodged in that house, and found much gentlenesse and freendship in the ab|bat and conuent; so that he could doo no lesse than re|quite them with kindnesse, at whose hands he found kindnesse; for we are bound in conscience to tender them by whome we haue béene benefited (vnlesse we will be counted vnciuill, according to the old adage)

Arbor honoretur cuius nos vmbra tuetur.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus when the king had reuenged the displeasure afore receiued at the Scots and Frenchmens hands, (and remained in Edenburgh fiue daies) he retur|ned without proffer of battell, or anie notable in|counter.The French admerall per|suadeth the Scots to fight with the English host. The admerall of France was earnestlie in hand with the Scotish lords to persuade them to haue giuen battell to the English armie, till he and diuers other knights of France were brought to the top of a mounteine, from whence they might behold all the English armie, as the same passed vnderneath them by a passage that laie by the foot of that mounteine: for after that they had viewed the puissance of the Englishmen, and (as neere as they could) numbered them, they had no such eger minds to fight with them as before, for they esteemed them to be six thousand men of armes, and threescore thousand archers, and other men of warre; where the Scots and French|men were not past a thousand speares, and thirtie thousand of all other sorts, and the most part of those but euill armed. Therefore they determined vpon an other point, which was, to inuade England in an o|ther quarter, whilest the Englishmen burnt vp their countrie, and so they set forward towards the west borders, and passing ouer the mounteins that diuide Northumberland from Scotland, they entered into Cumberland, dooing much hurt in the lands that be|longed to the lord Mowbraie,Cumberland sore spoiled by the Scots. to the earles of No|tingham, and Stafford, to the baron of Graistocke, and to the Musgraues.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Lastlie, they came to Carleill,Carleill assal|ted by the Scots. and boldlie assal|ted the citie: but sir Lewes Clifford, and sir Thomas Musgraue, Dauie Holgraue, and diuerse other wor|thie capteins being within it, so defended the waues and gates, that their enimies got small aduantage: and finallie hearing that the English armie was re|turning homewards, the Scots and Frenchmen drew backe into Scotland, doubting to be inclosed by the Englishmen, as they had béene in deed, if the duke of Lancaster and his brethren (vncles to the king) might haue béene beleeued,Good counsell neglected. who counselled the king to pursue the enimies, and stop the passages through which they must needs passe in their com|ming backe. But the earle of Oxenford being most in fauour and credit with the king in those daies, as one that ruled all things at his pleasure, did aduise him to the contrarie, by putting him in beléefe (as was said) that his vncles went about to bring him in danger to be lost and surprised of his enimies, where|vpon he tooke the next way home, and so brake vp his iournie.

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