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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Anno Reg. 8. The duke of Lãcaster sent into France to treat of a peace.About the beginning of August in the eight yéere of this kings reigne, the duke of Lancaster went o|uer againe into France, to treat of peace; but after he ha [...] remained there a long time, & spent no small store of treasure, he returned with a truce, to indure onelie till the first daie of Maie then next insuing. While the duke of Lancaster was foorth of the relme, Iohn de Northampton,Iohn de Nor|thampton late maior of Lon|don cõdemned to perpetuall prison and all his goods con|fiscated. that had borne such rule in the citie of London whilest he was maior, and al|so after (as partlie ye haue heard) was accused by a chaplaine (that he had in his house) of seditious slurs, which he went about, so that being arreigned thereof, he was in the end condemned to perpetuall prison, and the same not to be within the space of one hun|dred miles at the least of the citie of London. All his goods were confiscated, and so he was sent to the ca|stell of Tintagill in Cornewall, and the Kings offi|cers [...] vpon his goods & cattels. ¶ About the feast of saint Martine, a parlement was called at Lon|don, in which, monie, was demanded of the cleargie and temporaltie, towards the maintenance of the kings [...],

Compare 1577 edition: 1 A combat.During this parlement also a combat was fought within lists betwixt an English esquier named Iohn Walsh, and an esquier of Nauarre that accused the said Walsh of treason, though not iustlie, but moo|ued through displeasure, conceiued of an iniurie doone to him by the same Walsh whilest he was vn|der capteine or vicedeputie (as we may call him) of Chierburgh, in abusing the Nauarrois wife. Where|vpon when the Nauarrois was vanquished and con|fessed the truth,The appel|lant being vanquished, is adiudged to be hanged. Abraham Fle|ming out of Henrie Knigh|ton canon of Leicester abbeie. he was adiudged by the king to be drawne vnto the place of execution and hanged, not|withstanding that the queene and diuerse other made sute for him. ¶ Henrie Knighton maketh report hereof in somewhat a differing maner: but the issue of his tale falleth out to be like to the other. On a wednesdaie (saith he) at S. Andrews tide, Iohn Wal|lise of Grimsbie fought in lists with Martilet of Nauarre esquier, at Westminster, in presence of K. Richard & of Iohn the good duke of Lancaster: in so much that the said Iohn Wallise slue his aduersarie, whervpon at the kings cõmandement being made knight, he was inriched with manie gifts, as well of the kings and the dukes bestowing, as also of other great men and peeres of the realme. As for Martilet, after he was slaine, he was presentlie drawne, han|ged, and headed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Furthermore before the said parlement was dis|solued, newes came foorth of the north parts, that the Scots had woone the castell of Berwike:Berwike ca|stell woone by the Scots. for which the earle of Northumberland, that was capteine thereof, was put in high blame, for that he had not committed the kéeping thereof to more circumspect persons. The duke of Lancaster, who bare no good will to the said earle, was well appaid that he had so good matter to charge his aduersarie withall, so that through his meanes the earle of Northumberland was sore accused, and had much adoo to escape the danger of being reputed a traitor. Wherevpon great occasion of malice and displeasure grew betwixt those two noble personages, as after it well appeared. But howsoeuer the matter was handled, the earle was li|cenced by the king to go into his countrie, and séeke to recouer possession of the castell thus latelie lost. Wherevpon raising an armie,Berwike ca|stell recouered by the earle of Northum|berland. & besieging the Scots that were within the castell, he so constreined them, that for the summe of 2000 marks they surrendred the fortresse into his hands, their liues and goods sa|ued: and so the earle of Northumberland recouered the castell out of the Scotishmens hands, being taught to commit it to more warie keepers than the other before.

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