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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About this season, Anno Reg. 6. the lord Richard Scroope lord chancellor was deposed from that roome, and the king receiuing the great seale at his hands, kept it a certeine time, and sealed therewith such grants and writings as it pleased him: at length,The bishop of Londõ made lord chanc [...]l|lor in the lord Scroope his roome. it was deliue|red to Robert Braibrooke bishop of London, who was made lord chancellor. The cause why the lord Scroope was remooued from that dignitie, was this. When the king vpon certeine respects had granted certeine gentlemen the lands and possessions that belonged to the late earle of March, and other that were deceassed (which he, during the time of their heires minorities, ought to inioy by the lawes of the EEBO page image 441 realme) the said lord chancellor refused to seale such grants, alledging that the king being greatlie in debt, which he was to discharge, stood in need of such profits himselfe, and therefore (as he said) he tooke not them for faithfull seruants, nor dutifull subiects to his grace, that respecting their owne priuat commo|ditie more than his or the realmes, did sue for such grants at his hands, aduising them to hold them|selues contented with such other things, as it had pleased or might please the king to bestow vpon them: for suerlie he would not consent, that they should inioy such gifts as those were. They that were thus reiected, made their complaint in such sort to the king, that he taking displeasure with the said lord Scroope, deposed him from his office, to the great offense both of the nobles and commons, by whose consent he was preferred vnto that dignitie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About Michaelmasse this yeare, certeine naugh|tie disposed persons in Norffolke,A new rebel|lion intended in Norffolke is b [...]wraied by one of the c [...]nspiracie be+fore. not warned by the successe of the late rebellion, went about a new commotion, intending to murther the bishop of Nor|wich, and all the nobles and gentlemen of that coun|trie. And to bring their wicked purpose the better to passe, they determined to haue assembled togither at S. Faithes faire, and to haue compelled all those that should haue béene present at the same faire, to haue taken part with them, or else to haue lost their liues: and this being doone, they would haue taken S. Benets abbeie at Holme, which they would haue kept for a fortresse, to haue withdrawne into vpon a|nie force that had beene against them. But yer they could bring their purpose to passe, one of the conspi|racie bewraieng the matter, they were taken, & lost their heads at Norwich, for their malicious deuises.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 About the same time a parlement was called, to the which certeine commissioners from the countrie of Flanders came, to treat of certeine agréements betwixt the king and realme, and the states of their countrie: but bicause those that came ouer at this time, seemed not sufficient to conclude such treatie as then was in hand, they were sent backe to fetch other more sufficient,The cõmissio|ners of Flan|ders reiected for want of sufficient au|thoritie. as from euerie towne in Flan|ders some such as might haue full authoritie to go through, and confirme the agréements then in hand. In this parlement, the maior of London, with a great part of the commoners of the citie, vpon sug|gestion by them made against the fishmongers, for vsing great deceit in vttering of their fishes, obtei|ned to haue it inacted,An act against the fishmon|gers within the citie of London. that from thencefoorth, none of that companie, nor anie of the vinteners, butchers, grossers, or other that sold anie prouision of vittels, should be admitted maior of the citie; and so by this shift they sought to cut off all meanes from the fish|mongers to recouer againe their old former degrée. And bicause it was knowne well inough of what au|thoritie sir Iohn Philpot knight was within the citie, and that he fauoured those whome the lord maior the said Iohn de Northampton fauoured not, he was put off from the bench, and might not sit with them that were of the secret councell in the cities affaires, whereas neuerthelesse he had trauelled more for the preseruation of the cities liberties than all the resi|due. Sir Henrie Spenser bishop of Norwich, recei|ued buls a little before this present from pope Ur|bane, to signe all such with the crosse, that would take vpon them to go ouer the seas with him, to warre a|gainst those that held with the antipape Clement, that tooke himselfe for pope,Remission of sins granted to as manie as would fight against Cle|ment the an|tipape. and to such as would re|ceiue the crosse in that quarrell, such like beneficiall pardons were granted by pope Urbane, as were ac|customablie granted vnto such as went to fight a|gainst the Infidels, Turkes, and Saracens, to wit free remission of sinnes, and manie other graces. The bishop of Norwich that had the disposing of the bene|fits granted by those buls, to all such as either would go themselues in person, or else giue anie thing to|ward the furtherance of that voiage, & maintenance of them that went in the same, shewed those buls in open parlement, & caused copies to be written forth, & sent into euerie quarter, that his authoritie & power legantine might be notified to all men, for the better bringing to passe of that he had in charge. And true|lie it should appeare, there wanted no diligence in the man to accomplish the popes purpose: and on the other part yée must note, that the priuileges which he had from the pope, were passing large, so that as the matter was handled, there were diuerse lords, knights, esquires, and other men of warre in good numbers, that offered themselues to go in that voi|age, and to follow the standards of the church with the bishop, and no small summes of monie were leuied and gathered amongst the people, for the furnishing foorth of that armie, as after yée shall heare.

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