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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ye haue heard how sir Iohn Harleston was sent to Chierburg as capteine of that fortresse, who issuing abroad on a day, Anno Reg. 3. A notable ex|ploit doone by sir Iohn Harleston. with such power as he might take foorth, leauing the fortresse furnished, came to a place, where within a church and in a mill, the Frenchmen had laid vp, as in storehouses, a great quantitie of vittels, for prouision; which church and mill the Eng|lishmen assaulted so valiantlie, that notwithstanding there were within a good number of the enimies, that did their best to defend themselues, yet at length they were taken, and sir Iohn Harleston with his com|panie, returned with the vittels towards Chierburg, but by the way they were incountred by one sir Wil|liam de Bourds, whome the French king had ap|pointed to lie in Mountburg with a strong power of men of war, to countergarison Chierburg.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon insued a sore conflict, and manie an har|die man was beaten to the ground. And although it séemed that the Englishmen were ouermatched in number, yet they stucke to it manfullie. Their cap|teine sir Iohn Harleston, fighting in the foremost presse, was felled, and laie on the ground at his eni|mies féet in great hazard of death. The Englishmen neuerthelesse continued their fight, till at length sir Geffrie Worslie, with a wing of armed footmen with axes, came to the rescue (for to that end he was left behind, of purpose to come to their aid if néed re|quired) with whose comming the Frenchmen were so hardlie handled, that to conclude, they were bro|ken insunder, beaten downe and wholie vanquished: there were of them slaine aboue six score, and as ma|nie taken prisoners, among which number was their chéefe capteine sir William de Bourdes taken, and brought to Chierburg with the residue, and there put in safe keeping. This exploit was atchiued by the En|glishmen, on saint Martins day in winter, in this third yeare of king Richard his reigne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But least any ioy should come to the English peo|ple in that season, without some mixture of gréefe, one sir I. Clearke a right valiant knight,Sir Iohn Clearke a valiant cap|teine. & fellow in armes with sir Hugh Caluerlie, chanced this yeare to lie in garrison in a castell in Britaine, where was an hauen, & diuerse English ships lieng in the same, whereof the French gallies being aduertised, came thither, to set those ships on fire, appointing one of their gallies first to attempt the feat, and if fortune so would, to traine the Englishmen foorth, till they should fall into the laps of foure other gallies which they laid as it had béene in ambush.A policie. Now as the eni|mies wished so it came to passe, for the Englishmen perceiuing their vessels in danger to be burnt of the enimies, ran euerie man aboord to saue the ships and goods within them; and amongst the rest, sir Iohn Clearke their capteine, meaning to take such part as his men did, got aboord also, and streight falling in pursute of the gallie that withdrew for the purpose a|foresaid, the Englishmen were shortlie inclosed with the other gallies before they were aware, not know|ing what shift to make to auoid the present danger.

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