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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 2. The duke of Lãcaster sai|leth into Bri|taine with a great power. Additions to Adam Meri|muth.Anon after Midsummer, the duke of Lancaster with a strong power tooke the sea, and landing in Bri|taine, besieged the towne of saint Mallo de Lisle, a fortresse of great importance. There went ouer with him the earles of Buckingham, Warwike, Staf|ford, and diuerse other of the English nobilitie, the which made their approches, and fiercelie assailed the towne, but it was so valiantlie defended, that in the end, the duke with his armie raised from thence, and returned without atchiuing his purpose. ¶ About the same time, there was a notable and hainous murther committed within saint Peters church at Westminster, by occasion of variance betwéene the lord Latimer and sir Rafe Ferters on the one partie,Hall [...] Sh [...]kerlie hath Grafton. and two esquiers, the one called Robert Hall and the other Iohn Shakell on the other partie, about a priso|ner which was taken at the battell of Nazers in Spaine, called the earle of Deane, who (as some write) was taken by one sir Franke de Hall at the said battell; Polydor. and bicause he remained in his hands at the death of the said sir Franke, he bequeathed him vnto his sonne the said Robert Hall esquier.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But as other write, the said earle was taken by the said Robert Hall himselfe & Iohn Shakell ioint|lie, and iudged to be their lawfull prisoner, Thom. Wals. by the sen|tence of the prince of Wales, and sir Iohn Chandois that was master to the said esquiers. Wherevpon af|terwards the said earle obteined so much fauor, that by leauing his sonne and heire in gage for his ran|some, he returned into Spaine, to prouide monie to discharge it; but he was so slow in that matter, after he was at libertie, that he departed this life before he made any paiment, and so his lands fell to his sonne that remained in gage for the monie with the two esquiers. Wherevpon it happened afterwards, that the duke of Lancaster, desirous to haue the yoong earle in his hands (in hope through his meanes the better to accomplish his enterprise which he meant to take in hand against the king of Castile, for the right of that kingdome) procured his nephue king Richard to require the said earle of Deane, at the hands of the said esquiers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But they refused to deliuer him, keeping their priso|ner foorth of the waie, so that none wist were he was become: the esquiers therefore were committed to the tower, out of the which they escaped vnto West|minster, and there registred themselues for sanctuarie men. The duke of Lancaster was herewith sore of|fended, and their enimies the said lord Latimer and sir Rafe Ferrers tooke counsell togither, with sir A|lane Boxhull and others, how they might be reuen|ged of this despite. This sir Alane Boxhull was con|stable of the tower, and therefore it greeued him not a little, that the esquiers had broken from him, and kept themselues thus at Westminster, vnder protec|tion of that priuileged place. Herevpon it was con|cluded, that sir Rafe Ferrers, and the said Alane Boxhull, taking with them certeine men in armour, to the number of fiftie persons, should go and fetch them by force from Westminster, vnto the tower a|gaine.

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