Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This request of the commons by support of the prince was allowed, and granted, so that the said per|sons and other of their affinitie were commanded to depart the court, and other (such as were thought méet by the prince, and the sage péeres of the realme) were placed in their stéeds. ¶ Shortlie after, the com|mons granted to the king his whole request, so that he had of euerie person, man and woman, being a|boue the age of fourtéene yeares, foure pence, poore people that liued of almesse onelie excepted. ¶ Like|wise the cleargie granted, that of euerie beneficed man, the king should haue twelue pence, and of eue|rie priest not beneficed foure pence (the foure orders of friers onelie excepted.) But yer this monie could be leuied, the king was constreined to borrow cer|teine great summes in sundrie places, and therefore he sent to the citie of London for foure thousand pounds. And bicause Adam Staple the maior was not diligent in furthering that lone, he was by the kings commandement discharged on the 22 daie of March, and Richard Whitington mercer chosen in his place.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the eight of Iune being Trinitie sundaie (the parlement yet continuing) that noble and famous prince Edward the kings sonne departed this life within the kings palace at Westminster.The blac [...] prince depa [...]|teth this [...]. His bodie was conueied to Canturburie with great solemni|tie, and there honorablie buried. He died in the 46 yeare of his age: a prince of such excellent demea|nour, so valiant, wise and politike in his dooings, Polydor. He is buried at Cantur|burie. that the verie and perfect representation of knighthood ap|peared most liuelie in his person, whilest he liued, so that the losse of him stroke a generall sorrow into the harts of all the English nation. For such was his towardnesse, or rather perfection in princelie go|uernement, that if he had liued and atteined to the crowne, euerie man iudged that he would suer|lie haue excéeded the glorious renowme of all his ancestors. This princes death is bréefelie touched by C. Okland, who (after mention made of the great victories atchiued by his father the king against his enimies, and concluding him to be verie hap|pie and fortunate in the issue of his attempts) saith
EEBO page image 411—inclytus ille monarchaeVndi ter foelix, nisi quòd [...]rux Atropos occatAnte diem gnati fatalia stamina vitae.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The French king kept his obsequie in most reue|rend wife, Froissard. in the chapell of his palace at Paris. Af|ter his death, the king called to him againe the fore|said persons,Sir Péers de la Mere. Fabian. that had beene from him remooued, and the said sir Peers de la Mere that was speaker in the parlement (as before yée haue hard) for his eloquence shewed in reproouing the misgouernment of the said persons (and namelie of the said dame Alice Peres) was now committed to prison within the castell of Notingham.The truce prolonged. Polydor. About the same time the truce was a|gaine prolonged till the first daie of Aprill next fol|lowing. ¶ King Edward, after the deceasse of his sonne prince Edward, created the lord Richard, sonne to the said prince, as heire to him, prince of Wales, and gaue to him the earledomes of Chester & Corne|wall. Polydor. ¶Moreouer, bicause the king waxed féeble and sicklie through langor (as some suppose) conceiued for the death of his sonne, he appointed the rule of the relme to his sonne the duke of Lancaster, ordeining him as gouernour vnder him, and so he continued during his fathers life.