Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, the duke of Lancaster appointed sir Ro|bert Knols to repaire againe to Calis, and by the waie (if occasion serued) to attempt the recouerie of Ponthieu.The feare which the [...]|mies had of sir Ro. Knols Sir Robert taking his iournie through France by Paris, came into the marches of Picar|die: and bicause in comparison to this man, all the English capteins were litle feared of the French|men, sir Berthram de Cleaquin,Sir Berth [...] de Cleaquin. the constable of France, leauing the fortresses in the marches of A|quitaine sufficientlie stuffed with men of warre and munition, followed sir Robert Knols, still readie to assaile the hindermost companies, or else to set on the sides of his enimies. So that there chanced manie skirmishes betwixt them, & manie men were slaine on both parts; but at length, when sir Robert Knols saw no likelihood to atchiue his purposed intent in recouerie of the townes of Ponthieu, as Abuile and other, he drew streight to Calis, and the constable re|tired backe into France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In this 46 yeare,1372 Anno Reg. [...] sir Robert Ashton was sent into Ireland as lord deputie there, and in the same yeare, the duke of Lancaster being as then a widower, ma|ried the ladie Constance eldest daughter to Peter king of Spaine, which was slaine by his bastard bro|ther Henrie (as before ye haue heard.) ¶Also the lord Emund earle of Cambridge maried the ladie Isa|bell, sister to the same Constance. ¶Their other sister named Beatrice, affianced to Don Ferdinando, son to Peter king of Portingale, was departed this EEBO page image 407 life a little before this time at Baionne, where they were all three left as hostages by their father, when the prince went to bring him home into his countrie (as before yée may read.) Froissard writeth, that the duke married the ladie Constance in Gascoigne, and that shortlie after he returned into England with his said wife and hir sister, leauing the capitall de Bueffz, and other lords of Gascoigne and Poictou in charge with the rule of those countries. By reason of that marriage, the duke of Lancaster, as in right of his wife being the elder sister, caused himselfe to be intituled king of Castile, and his said wife quéene of the same realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Hereford being sent to the sea, with certeine ships of warre, was incountered by the Fle|mish fléet, before an hauen in Britaine called the Baie, where was fought a sore battell, and long con|tinued for the space of thrée houres: howbeit finallie the victorie abode with the Englishmen, notwith|standing that the Flemings were more in number, and better prouided for the matter. There were ta|ken of them fiue and twentie ships, with their Adme|rall Iohn Peterson. They had beene at Rochell for wine, and now were come to the Baie for salt vpon their returne homeward, and hearing that the Eng|lishmen would come that waie, staied for them, and first gaue the onset. For yée must remember, that by reason that the earle of Flanders had married his daughter to the duke of Burgognie, which he had first promised to the earle of Cambridge, there was no perfect fréendship betwixt the realme of Eng|land, and the countries of the said earle of Flan|ders.