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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 43.These letters were giuen to a knight and a clerke, to beare and present to the prince, which according to that they had in charge, went to Burdeaux, and there getting licence to come before his presence, they read the letters, wherewith he was not a little chafed, and openlie told them for a plaine answer,The princes answer to the messenger. that he meant to accomplish the French kings request, for his com|ming to Paris, but that should be with his helmet on his head, and thréescore thousand armed men, to beare witnesse of his appearance. The messengers perceiuing the prince to be sore offended with their message, got them awaie, without taking their leaue: but before they were passed the limits of the English dominion, they were staied by commande|ment of the prince, and committed to prison, within the citie of Agen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time,The duke of Berrie. the duke of Berrie returned into France, hauing licence of king Edward for an whole yeare; but he bare himselfe so wiselie, that he returned not againe at all: for he excused himselfe, till time that the warre was open. In like manner, the more part of all the other hostages, by one meane or other were returned into France, and some indéed were deliuered vpon their ransomes, or other consi|derations, so that the French king being deliuered of that obstacle, was the more readie to breake with the king of England, and therefore vpon knowledge had of the princes answer, to those that he sent with the appeale, by such of the messengers seruants as were returned, and declared how their maisters were delt with, he couertlie prepared for the warre. The lord Iohn Chandois,The lord Chandois. and other of the princes councell foresaw what would insue of leauieng the [...]uage, and therefore counselled the prince, not to procéed any further in it. But he hauing onlie regard to the releefe of his souldiers and men of warre, would néeds go forward with it. ¶Indéed, if he might haue brought it to passe, as it was denied, that eue|rie housholder should haue paid a franke for chimni|age,Chimniage. the summe would haue growne to twelue hun|dred thousand frankes by the yeare, which had beene a great releefe, and that made him the more earnest, bicause he might haue beene able so to haue paid his debts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now, when it was perceiued certeinlie that open rebellion would therof insue, and that king Edward was certified of the whole state of the matter, and how diuerse of the lords of Aquitaine were with|drawne vnto the court of France, in manner as be|fore yée haue heard, he deuised a letter, which he cau|sed to be published through all the parts of Aquitaine the effect whereof was this;A letter pub|lished by the prince to ap|pease the Gas|coignes. That where the people of that countrie found themselues greeued for such ex|actions as were demanded of them, he meant there|fore vpon examination of their iust complaints, to see their wrongs redressed. And further, he was con|tented to pardon all such as were withdrawne to the French king, so that within a moneths space they would returne home; requiring them, that in no wise they should stirre anie seditious tumult, but to remember their oths of allegiance, and to continue in the same, according to their bounden duties; and as for him, he would be readie to sée them eased, that would shew by plaine proofe how they had beene o|therwise gréeued than reason might beare. This was his meaning, and this was the aduise of all his coun|cellours.

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