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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In ech of these thrée armies were fiue hundred ar|med men, and foure hundred archers. In the reregard were appointed fiue hundred men of warre, vnder the gouernance of sir Hugh Caluerlie. Beside sir Iohn Chandois, & other Englishmen recited by Froissard, there was the lord William Latimer, as one of the chiefe on the earle of Mountfords side. There were not past sixtéene hundred good fighting men on that side, as Thomas Walsingham plainelie writeth. Now when the hosts were ordred on both sides (as be|fore we haue said) they approched togither, the French|men came close in their order of battell, and were to the number of fiue and twentie hundred men of armes, after the manner of that age, beside others. Euerie man had cut his speare (as then they vsed, at what time they should ioine in battell) to the length of fiue foot, and a short ax hanging at his side. At the first incounter, there was a sore battell, and trulie the archers shot right fiercelie, howbeit their shot did litle hurt to the Frenchmen, they were so well ar|med and furnished: the archers perceiuing that (be|ing big men and light) cast awaie their bowes,The wor [...] actiuitie of the English ar|chers. and entered in amongst the Frenchmen that bare the axes, and plucked them out of their hands, wherwith they fought after right hardlie. There was doone ma|nie a noble feat of armes, manie taken, and rescued againe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 397Against the earle of Montfords battell, fought the battell which the lord Charles de Blois ruled, and at the first, the earle of Montfords part was sore op|pressed, and brought out of order in such sort, that if sir Hugh Caluerlie had not in time releeued them, the losse had runne on that side; but finallie so long they fought, that all the battels assembled and ioined each to other, except the reregard of the English|men, whereof (as is said) sir Hugh Caluerlie was chéefe.Sir Hugh Caluerlie. He kept alwaies his battell on a wing, and euer succoured where he saw néed. At length, the Frenchmen not able to indure the valiant dooings of their aduersaries, began to breake. First the earle of Auxerres batell was discomfited, and put to flight, and the said earle sore woimded,The earle of Auxerre takẽ prisoner. and taken prisoner, but the battell of sir Berthram de Cleaquin as yet stood manfullie at defense, howbeit at length the Englishmen perforce opened it, and then was the said sir Berthram taken prisoner,Sir Berthrã de Cleaquin. vnder the banner of sir Iohn Chandois.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Héerewith also, all the other battels of the French|men and Britaines, on the part of the lord Charles de Blois, were cleane discomfited, and put out of ar|raie, so that such as resisted, and stood at defense, were slaine and beaten downe, and amongst others, the lord Charles was there slaine himselfe, and all other either taken or slaine, except those that escaped by flight, amongst the which there were not manie of the nobilitie. For (as Thomas Walsingham saith) there were slaine about a thousand men of armes, and there were taken two earles, seuen and twentie lords, and fifteene hundred men of armes. The chase was followed to the citie of Reimes, eight great leagues from the place where the battell began. Af|ter this victorie, the earle of Montford conquered manie townes and castels in Britaine, whereof the French king being aduertised, sent his brother the duke of Aniou, vnto the wife of the lord Charles of Blois now deceassed, to comfort hir in such an heauie case, and to take order for things as should be thought expedient, vntill further prouision might be made.

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