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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also the sixtéenth of October, a parlement began, that was called at Westminster, which continued till the feast daie of S. Brice, on which daie, the king at that time fiftie yeares then past, was borne; where|vpon, as it were in the yeare of his iubile, he shewed EEBO page image 396 himselfe more gratious to his people, granting par|don to offendors,A pardon. and reuoking outlawes. Moreouer, it was ordeined in this parlement, that no maner of person, of what estate or degrée soeuer he was, the king,A statute a|ga [...]nst pur|ueiers. the quéene, and dukes onelie excepted, should haue any purueiers of vittels, nor should take vp a|ny thing without readie paiment, and those that from thencefoorth did contrarie to this ordinance, should be extremelie punished. There was granted to the king in this parlement six and twentie shil|lings eight pence of euerie sacke of wooll that was to be transported ouer the sea,A subsidie. for thrée yeares next insuing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore, at the sute of the commons it was ordeined and established by an act in this parlement deuised, that men of law should plead their causes, and write their actions and plaints in the English toong,

Lawiers to plead their ca [...]es in En|glish.

Caxton. Schoolema|sters to teach scholers to construe their lessons in English.

and not in the French, as they had béene accu|stomed to doo, euer since the Conquerors time. It was ordeined also, that schoolemasters should teach their scholers to construe their lessons in English, & not in French, as before they had béene vsed. The K. shewed so much curtesie to the French hostages, that he permitted them to go ouer to Calis, and there be|ing néere home, to purchase friendship, by oft calling on their fréends for their deliuerance. They were suf|fered to ride to and fro about the marches of Calis, for the space of foure daies togither, so that on the fourth daie before sunne setting, they returned into Calis againe. The duke of Aniou turning this liber|tie to serue his owne turne, departed from thence, and went home into France, without making his fellowes priuie to his purpose.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 This yeare a parlement was called by the king, which began the ninth of October,1363 Anno Reg. 37. from the which none of the noble men could obteine licence to be ab|sent. Thom. Wals. In this parlement all rich ornaments of gold and siluer vsed to be worne in kniues,

Additions to Adam Meri|muth.

A statute of a|raie against costlie appa|rell.

girdels, ouches, rings, or otherwise, to the setting foorth of the bodie, were prohibited, except to such as might dispend ten pounds by yeare. Morouer that none should weare a|ny rich clothes or furres, except they might dispend an hundred pounds by yeare. ¶ Moreouer it was en|acted, that labourers and husbandmen should not vse any deintie dishes, or costlie drinks at their tables. But these, and such other acts as were deuised and e|stablished at this parlement, tooke none effect, as af|ter it appeared. In this yeare, there came into Eng|land to speake with king Edward concerning their weightie affaires,Thrée kings came into En+gland about businesse with K. Edward. thrée kings, to wit, the king of France, the king of Scotland, & the king of Cypres: they were honorablie receiued, and highlie feasted.

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