Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 2 It was also agreed, that Calis and Guines, with the appurtenances, the lands of Montreuill on the sea with the countie of Ponthieu, wholie and entirelie should remaine vnto the king of England. All the which countries, cities, townes, and castels, with the other lands and seigniories, the same king should haue and hold to him and his heires for euer, euen as they were in demaine or fee, immediatlie of God, and frée without recognizing any maner souereingtie to any earthlie man. In consideration whereof, king Edward renounced all such claimes, titles and inte|rest as he pretended vnto any part of France, other than such as were comprised within the charter of co|uenants of this peace first agréed vpon at Bretignie aforesaid, and after confirmed at Calis, as appeareth by the same charter dated there the foure & twentith daie of October,The date of the charter of the peace. in the yeare of our Lord 1360.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 It was also couenanted, that the French king should paie vnto the king of England thirtie hun|dred thousan [...] crownes in name of his ransome:The French kings ran|some. for assurance of which paiment, & performance of all the couenants afore mentioned, and other agreed vpon by this peace, the dukes of Orleance, Aniou, Berrie, and Burbon, with diuerse other honorable persona|ges,Hostages. as earles, lords, and burgesses of euerie good towne, some were appointed to be sent ouer hither in|to England to remaine as hostages.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The French not to aid the Scots.4 It was further agréed, that neither the French king nor his successors should aid the Scots against the king of England or his successors; nor that king Edward nor his heirs kings of England should aid the Flemings against the crowne of France.