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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 So long the king of England passed forward, that finallie he approched neere to the water of Some, the which was large and deepe, and all the bridges broken and the passages well kept, wherevpon he caused his two marshals with a thousand men of armes, & two thousand archers, to go along the riuer, to the end to find some passage. The marshals assaied diuerse pla|ces, as at Piqueney, and other where, but they could not find any passage vnclosed,Piquency. capteins with men of warre being set to defend the same, in somuch that the marshals returned to the king, and declared what they had seene and found. At the same instant time was the French king come to Amiens,The Fren [...] kings arm [...]. with more than a hundred thousand men, and thought to inclose the king of England, that he should no waie escape, but be constreined to receiue battell in some place greatlie to his disaduantage.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king of England well perceiuing himselfe in danger, remoued from the place where he was in|camped, and marched forward through the countries EEBO page image 371 of Pontiew and Uimew, approching vnto the good towne of Abuile, and at length by one of the priso|ners named Gobin de Grace, he was told where he might passe with his armie ouer the riuer of Some, at a [...] in the same riuer, being hard in the bot|tome, and verie shallow at an eb water. The French king vnderstanding that the K. of England sought to passe the riuer of Some, sent a great baron of Normandie, one sir Godmare du Foy, to defend the passage of the same riuer,Sir God|mare du Foy. with a thousand men of armes, and six thousand on foot with the Genowaies. This sir Godmare had with him also a great number of them of Muxterell and others of the countrie, so that he had in all to the number of twelue thousand men, one and other, and hearing that the king of England was minded to passe at Blanchetake (which was the passage that Gobin Agace had infor|med the king of England of) he came thither.Gobin Agace When the Englishmen approched, he arranged all his com|panie to defend the passage.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And suerlie when the Englishmen at the lowe water entered the foord to passe ouer, there was a sharpe bickering, for diuerse of the Frenchmen in|countred the Englishmen on horssebacke in the wa|ter, and the Genowaies did them much hurt, and troubled them sore with their crosbowes: but on the other side,The English men wan the passage ouer the water of Some. the English archers shot so wholie togither, that the Frenchmen were faine to giue place to the Englishmen, so that they got the passage and came ouer, assembling themselues in the field, and then the Frenchmen fled, some to Abuile, some to saint Ri|quier. They that were on foot could not escape so well as those on horssebacke, insomuch that a great num|ber of them of Abuile, Mutterell, Arras, and S. Ri|quier were slaine and taken, for the chase indured more than a great league. Caxton. The number slaine. F [...]o [...]sard. There were slaine in all to the number of two thousand. When the K. of Eng|land had thus passed the riuer, he acquitted Gobin Agace, and all his companie of their ransomes, and gaue to the same Gobin an hundred nobles, and a good horsse, and so the king road foorth as he did before. His marshals road to Crotaie by the sea side,Crotay burnt and burnt the towne, and tooke all such wines and goods as were in the ships and barks which laie there in the hauen.

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