Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this ninetéenth yeare of king Edward I find, that about the feast of the Natiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist, he sailed ouer into Flanders,The king go|eth ouer into Flanders. leauing his sonne the lord Lionell, warden of the realme in his absence. He tooke with him a great number of lords, knights, and gentlemen, with whome he landed at Sluse. The cause of his going ouer was, to further a practise which he had in hand with them of Flanders, the which by the labour of Iaques Arteueld, meant to cause their earle Lewes, either to doo homage vn|to king Edward; or else if he refused, Ia. Mair. then to dis|herit him, and to receiue Edward prince of Wales for their lord, the eldest sonne of king Edward.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Edward promising to make a dukedome of the countie of Flanders, Froissard. for an augmentation of ho|nour to the countrie, there came vnto Sluse to the king, Iaques van Arteueld, and a great number of EEBO page image 368 other, appointed as councellors for their chéefest townes.A councell [...]elden in the king of Eng|lands ship. The king with all his nauie lay in the hauen of Sluse, where, in his great ship called the Catha|rine, a councell was holden vpon this foresaid pur|pose: but at length, those of the councellors of the chee|fest townes misliked the matter so much, that they would conclude nothing, but required respit for a mo|neth, to consult with all the cõmunaltie of the coun|tries and townes, and as the more part should be in|clined, so should the king receiue answer. The king and Iaques Arteueld would faine haue had a shorter daie, and a more towardlie answer, but none other could be gotten.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon the councell brake vp, and Iaques Ar|teueld tarieng with the king a certeine space, after the other were departed, promised him to persuade the countrie well inough to his purpose, and suerlie, he had a great gift of eloquence, and had thereby in|duced the countrie wonderfullie, to consent to manie things, as well in fauour of king Edward, as to his owne aduancement: but this suit which he went now about to bring to passe, was so odious vnto all the Flemings, that in no wise they thought it reason to consent vnto the disheriting of the earle. At length, when Iaques Arteueld should returne vnto Gant, Ia. Meir. Welshmen appointed to Iaques Ar|teueld for a gard against Gerard De|nise. king Edward appointed fiue hundred Welshmen to attend him as a gard, for the preseruation of his per|son, bicause he said, that one Gerard Denise deane of the weauers, an vnquiet man, maliciouslie pur|posed his destruction.