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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Normandie with foure thousand men of armes, and thirtie thousand other men of warre, comming into Britaine to aid the lord Charles of Blois, was aduertised,The duke [...] Norman [...] commeth downe [...] Britaine. that the king of England was with the most part of all his power withdrawen to Uannes, and there laie at siege, sore constreining them within: wherefore he also drew thitherwards, and approching to the place, incamped with his armie ouer against the king of England, inclosing his field with a great trench. The king of England supposing he should haue battell, sent vnto those which laie at siege before Rennes, commanding them to come from thence vnto him: so that by this meanes all the powers, both of the king of England, and of the duke of Normandie, generall to his father the French king in those warres of Britaine, being assembled before Uannes, had fought some great and bloudie battell, as was supposed, for the whole triall of the right of Britaine, if the cardinals of Cleremont and Prenesti, as legats from pope Clement the sixt, had not taken vp the matter, by concluding a truce be|twixt them, for the tearme of three yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Commissioners appointed to treat with these ca [...]|dinals,Additions [...] Triuet. Commissio|ners for the king of Eng|land. on the behalfe of the king of England were these, Henrie of Lancaster earle of Derbie, Wil|liam Bohun earle of Northampton, William Mon|tacute earle of Salisburie, Rafe lord Stafford, Bar|tholomew lord Burghese, Nicholas lord Cantelow, Reginald lord Cobham, Walter lord of Mannie, Maurice lord Berkeley, and maister Iohn Ufford archdeacon of Elie. For the French king, Odo duke of Burgogne,Commissio|ners for the French king and Piers duke of Burbon were de|puted commissioners. Such diligence was vsed by the parties, that finallie they agréed vpon this truce of thrée yeares, with certeine articles for meane to conclude some finall peace,A truce [...] thrée year [...]. as that there should be sent from either king some personages of their bloud and others, vnto the court of Rome, with sufficient authoritie, to agree, confirme, and establish vpon all controuersies and dissentions betwixt the said kings, according to the agreement of the pope, and such as should be so sent to treat thereof.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 It was further agréed, that they should haue liber|tie to declare and pronounce their arguments and reasons before the pope, but not to haue power to de|cide and giue sentence, but onlie by waie of some bet|ter treatie and order of agréement to be made. And these commissioners were appointed to appeare be|fore the pope, afore the feast of saint Iohn Baptist next insuing, and the pope to dispatch the businesse be|fore Christmasse after, if by consent of the said no|bles, the terme were not proroged. And if it so were that the pope could make no agréement, yet should the truce indure the prefixed terme, to wit, till the feast of S. Michaell the archangell,The cond [...]|tions of the truce. and for the space of thrée yeares then next insuing, betwixt the kings of France, England and Scotland, the earle of Hei|nault and their alies, as the dukes of Brabant, and of Gelderland, also the marques of Gullikerland, the lord Beaumont, otherwise called sir Iohn de Hei|nault, and the people of Flanders, in all their lands and dominions, from the date of the charter made hereof, by all the said terme aforesaid, to be obserued, holden and kept. Also, the king of Scots, and the earle of Heinault were appointed to send certeine persons, as commissioners for them, vnto the said court of Rome.

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