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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anon after came the dukes of Brabant and Gel|derland, the earle of Gulike, the marquesse of Blan|queburgh, the marquesse of Musse, the earls of Ber|gen, Sauines, and Heinault: also Iaques Arteueld, who brought with him about fortie thousand Fle|mings.The great number of peo+ple at the siege of Tournie. Ia. Meir. So that there was at this siege to the num|ber of six score thousand men, as some writers af|firme. There was also an other armie of Flemings, as of the townes of Ypres, Popringue, Furnes, Cassell, of the Chateleinie, & of Bergis, being to the number of fortie thousand, appointed to make warre against the Frenchmen that kept saint Omers, and other townes there on the frontiers of Arthois, which armie was led by the earle of Richmond, otherwise called the lord Robert Dartois, and by sir Henrie de Flanders,The earle of Richmond. the which approching one day to saint O|mers, were sharplie fought with; for within saint O|mers at that time laie a strong power of French|men with the duke of Burgoine, the earle of Armi|nacke and others.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Flemings were not willing to serue, for nei|ther had they any trust in their capteine the said erle of Richmond, neither would they willinglie haue passed out of their owne confines, but onlie to defend the same from the inuasion of their enimies: yet through much persuasion, forward they went, diui|ded into sundrie battels contrarie to their manner. The enimies perceiuing some aduantage,The French|men set vpon ye Flemings. issued forth vpon them, and assailed them verie stoutlie, insomuch that the earle of Arminacke setting vpon them of Ypres, ouerthrew them, and chased them vnto a towne called Arques, which they had a little before set on fire and burned. An other companie of French|men, skirmishing with them of Franks, Furnes, and Bergis, put them also to the worse. Contrarilie, those Frenchmen that encountered with the lord Robert Dartois, and them of Bruges whome he led,The variable fortune of fights. susteined great losse, and were beaten backe into the citie:Additions to Adam Meri|muth. the duke of Burgoine himselfe being in no small danger for a time, so sharpe the bickering was betwixt them, and the euent so variable. Wherefore it is notablie and fitlie said in this behalfe, that

—incerti fallax fiducia Martis.Sil. Ital. lib. 6.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There be that write, that this fight continued from thrée of the clocke till euentide, and that the earle of Richmond was twise put to flight, for his people did leaue him in the plaine field: but at length by the ad|uise of sir Thomas Uthred,Sir Thomas Uthred. whome the king of Eng|land had appointed to attend the said earle, with ma|nie Englishmen and archers, he assembled his peo|ple eftsoones togither againe, and setting on his eni|mies. Now when it was almost night, neere to the gates of saint Omers, he finallie ouercame them, where were slaine of the French part fiftéene barons and fourescore knights, beside a great number of o|ther people. Diuerse also were slaine on the earle of Richmonds part at this last encounter, and among other an English knight, that bare armes escheeked siluer and gules.

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