Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer in reward of seruice, there were six no|ble men at this parlement aduanced to the honour and title of earles, as the lord Henrie sonne to the earle of Lancaster was created earle of Derbie,Creations of noble men. or after some writers, earle of Leicester; William Bo|hun was created earle of Northampton, William Montacute earle of Salisburie, Hugh Audeley earle of Glocester, William Clinton earle of Hun|tingdon,Additions to Hen. Marle. Croxden. and Robert Ufford earle of Suffolke. This creation was on the second sundaie in Lent, and the same day were twentie knights made, whose names for breefenesse we doo here omit.An act of ar|raie, against sumptuous apparell. In this parlement it was enacted, that no man should weare any man|ner of silke in gowne, cote, or doublet; except he might dispend of good and sufficient rent an hundred pounds by yeare, which act was not long obserued. For the nature of man is such, that of it owne cor|rupt & euill inclination, it withstandeth good things, and chooseth rather to follow whatsoeuer is forbidden yea though the same be starke naught and offensiue to law and conscience: which preposterous and o|uerthwart disposition the poet noteth well, saieng,
— aliéd cupidoMens aliud suadet: video meliora, probó,Deteriora sequor.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 It was also ordeined by the aduise of this parle|ment, that Henrie of Lancaster newlie created erle of Derbie should go ouer into Gascoine, there to re|maine as the kings lieutenant. But Richard South|well saith, that the earle of Salisburie, and not the earle of Derbie was appointed to go into Gascoine at that time, and the earle of Warwike into Scot|land.An act for re|strain [...] of trãs|porting ouer wools. Adam Meri| [...]uth. Moreouer in this parlement it was enacted that no wooll of the English growth should go foorth of the land, but be here wrought and made in cloath: and further an act was ordeined for receiuing of stran|gers that were clothworkers, and order taken, that fit and conuenient places should be assigned foorth to them where to inhabit, with manie priuileges and liberties, and that they should haue wages and sti|pends allowed them, till they were so setled as they might gaine commodiouslie by their occupation and science: but now to returne againe to other matters. Rich. South. The castell of Bothuile taken.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Scots this yeare tooke the castell of Bothuile by surrender, so as the Englishmen that were with|in it, departed with their liues and goods saued. Di|uerse other castels and fortresses were taken by the Scots in Fife, and in other parts, but the countrie of Galloway was by them speciallie sore afflicted, bi|cause the people there held with their lord Edward Balioll. Herevpon it was agreed in this last parle|ment, that the earle of Warwike being appointed to go thither, should haue with him the power beyond Trent northwards. But when about the Ascension tide the Scots had besieged the castell of Striueling, the king of England in person hasted thitherwards, of whose approach the Scots no sooner vnderstood, but that streightwaies they brake vp their siege, and de|parted thence: the king therefore returned backe in|to the south parts.Sir Eustace Maxwell. About the same time sir Eustace de Maxwell knight, lord of Carlauerocke, reuolted from Edward Balioll vnto Dauid le Bruse his side, and so that part dailie increased, and also the warre continued, with damage inough vnto both parts.