Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Finallie, when the king had finished his businesse in Scotland, Anno Reg. 9. as to his séeming stood with his plea|sure, he returned into England, and shortlie after he sent the archbishop of Canturburie,Ambassadors [...]ent into France. sir Philip de Montacute, and Geffrey Scroope vnto the French king, to conclude a firme amitie & league with him. These lords comming into France, were not at the first admitted to the French kings presence, till they shewed themselues halfe greeued with that strange dealing: for then finallie were they brought vnto him, who gentlie receiued them, and caused the mat|ter to be intreated of about the which they were sent, in furthering whereof, such diligence was vsed, that finallie a conclusion of peace and concord was a|greed, and so farre passed, that proclamation thereof should haue béene made in Paris, and in the coun|trie thereabout the next day: but scarse were the En|glish ambassadours returned vnto their lodgings, when they were sent for backe againe, and further informed, that the French king minded to haue Da|uid king of Scotland comprised in the same league, so that he might be restored vnto his kingdome, and the Balioll put out. The English ambassadors an|swered, that their commission extended not so farre, and therfore they could not conclude any thing there|in. Herevpon all the former communication was reuoked, and cléerelie made void, so that the English ambassadors returned home into England without anie thing concluded.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the feast of the Ascension, the king held a parlement at Yorke, [...]. Southwell. [...] parlement. ordeining for his iournie into Scotland, and also deuising by authoritie thereof di|uerse profitable statutes for the common-wealth. About midsummer, he came with his armie vnto Newcastell vpon Tine, whither came to him from Carleill the king of Scots, and there order was ta|ken, that the king of England, and his brother the earle of Cornwall, the earls of Warwike, Lanca|ster, Lincolne, and Hereford, with all their retinues, and the earle of Gulikerland, that had married the kings sister, and with a faire companie was come to serue the king in these warres, should passe to Carle|ill, and on the twelfe of Iulie enter Scotland. The king of Scots, the earles of Surrie, and Arundell, and the lord Henrie Percie, a baron of great might and power, being all of kin vnto the king of Scots, with their retinues should go to Berwike, and there enter the same day aboue mentioned, and as it was appointed, so it was put in practise. For both kings on the same day entring Scotland in seuerall parts passed forward without resistance at their pleasures, wasting and burning all the countries, both on this side, and beyond the Scotish sea.The Welsh|men. The Welshmen spared neither religious persons nor their houses, making no more accompt of them than of others: the mariners of Newcastell also burnt a great part of the towne of Dundée.Dundée burnt.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Namure about the same time com|ming into England, to serue the king in his warres,The earle of Namure. tooke vpon him to passe into Scotland with a band of an hundred men of armes, beside seauen or eight knights which he brought ouer with him, and certeine Englishmen to be his guides from Berwike, Fourdon. but he was assailed before he could get to Edenburgh, by the earles of Murrey and Dunbarre, and the lord William Dowglas: so that notwithstanding the strangers bare themselues verie manfullie, yet op|pressed with multitude, they were forced to giue place, but yet still fighting and defending themselues till they came to Edenburgh, and there taking the hill where the ruines of the castell stood, kept the same all the night folowing. But the next day they despai|ring of all succours, and hauing neither meat nor drinke, at length yéelded themselues, whom the earle of Murrey receiuing right courteouslie,The earle of Murrey takẽ. Rich. Southw. shewed them such fauour, that without ransome he was con|tented they should returne into their countries: and for more suertie, he conueied the said earle of Na|mure (whome the Scotish books call earle of Gelder|land) and his companie backe to the borders; but in his returne, or shortlie after, Fourdon. the same earle of Mur|rey that tooke himselfe for gouernour of Scotland, was encountred by the Englishmen that laie in gar|rison within Rockesburgh, and by them taken priso|ner. The lord William Dowglas being there also with him escaped, but Iames Dowglas brother to the said lord William Dowglas, was at that bicke|ring slaine with diuerse other.