Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Which things doone in due order, as was requisite, the king of England returned home, and the kings went backe into Scotland. And then were all such lords restored againe to their lands and possessions in Scotland, which in the daies of Edward the second had béene expelled from the same: and now they did their homage vnto the king of Scotland for those lands as apperteined. ¶ Immediatlie after, the king of England called a councell of his lords spirituall and temporall at Notingham, commanding them to meet him there about the thirtéenth daie of Iulie, there to consult with him of weightie causes concer|ning the state of the realme. This yeare on saint Clements daie at night,Inundation of the sea. which fell on the thrée and twentith of Nouember, through a maruellous in|undation & rising of the sea all alongst by the coasts of this realme, but especiallie about the Thames, the sea bankes or walles were broken and borne downe with violence of the water, and infinite numbers of beasts and cattell drowned, fruitfull grounds and pa|stures were made salt marishes, so as there was no hope that in long time they should recouer againe their former fruitfulnesse.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time the French king was appoin|ted to haue made a viage against the Saracens, eni|mies of our faith, and had sent to the king of Eng|land, requiring him of his companie in that iournie. But the king of England being otherwise occupied with the affaires of Scotland, made no direct answer therevnto,Ambassad [...] from the French [...] so that the French king perceiuing that the king of England was not in all things well pleased with him, thought good before he set forward on that iournie to vnderstand his meaning, and ther|vpon sent eftsoones vnto him other ambassadours. These ambassadours arriued here in England and had audience, but nothing they concluded in effect, saue that the king promised to send his ambassadors ouer into France, to haue further communication EEBO page image 351 in the matter touching such points of variance as de|pended betwixt them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Although Edward Balioll by the puissance of the king of Englands assistance had got the most part of the realme of Scotland into his hands, yet diuerse castels were holden against him, and the Scots dai|lie slipped from him, and by open rebellion molested him diuerse waies. The king of England aduertised thereof called a parlement at London, Rich. South. A parlement at London. wherein he tooke order for his iournie into Scotland, had a tenth and a fiftéenth granted him, and so about Alhallon|tide he came to Newcastell vpon Tine, with his ar|mie, and remained there till the feast of saint Katha|rine,The king en|treth into Scotland with an armie and then entring into Scotland, came to Roc|kesburgh, where he repared the castell which had beene aforetime destroied. After the third daie of Christ|masse was past, the king of England entred into E|thrike forrest, beating it vp and downe, but the Scots would not come within his reach: wherevpon he sent the king of Scots that was there present with him, and the earles of Warwike and Oxenford, and cer|teine other barons and knights with their retinues vnto Carleill, to keepe and defend those west parts of the realme from the Scots.