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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the quindene of saint Michaell, king Ed|ward held a parlement at Salisburie, Tho. Walsin. Adam Meri|muth. Polydor. Creations of earles. in which the lord Roger Mortimer was created earle of March, the lord Iohn of Eltham the kings brother was made earle of Cornwall, and the lord Iames Butler of Ireland earle of Ormond, who about the same time had married the earle of Herefords daughter. But the earle of March tooke the most part of the rule of all things perteining either to the king or realme into his owne hands:The earle of March ruleth all things at his pleasure. so that the whole gouernment rested in a manner betwixt the queene mother and him. The other of the councell that were first appoin|ted, were in manner displaced; for they bare no rule to speake of at all, which caused no small grudge to arise against the quéene and the said earle of March, Caxton. who mainteined such ports, and kept among them EEBO page image 348 such retinue of seruants, that their prouision was woonderfull, which they caused to be taken vp, name|lie for the queene, at the kings price, to the sore oppres|sion of the people, which tooke it displesantlie inough.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The e [...]rle of Lancaster.There was like to haue growen great variance betwixt the queene and Henrie earle of Lancaster, by reason that one sir Thomas Wither, a knight per|teining to the said earle of Lancaster, had slaine Ro|bert Holland,Robert Hol|land slaine. who had betraied sometime Thomas earle of Lancaster, and was after committed to pri|son by earle Henries means, but the queene had cau|sed him to be set at libertie, and admitted him as one of hir councell. The quéene would haue had sir Tho|mas Wither punished for the murther, but earle Henrie caused him to be kept out of the waie, so that for these causes and other, Henrie the earle of Lanca|ster went about to make a rebellion,The archbi|shop of Can|turburie was the chiefe pro|curor of the agreement & reconciliation of the earle (as Meri|muth saith.) and the quéene hauing knowledge thereof, sought to apprehend him: but by the mediation of the earles Marshall and Kent, the matter was taken vp, and earle Henrie had the kings peace granted him for the summe of eleuen thousand pounds, which he should haue paid, but he neuer paid that fine, though it was so assessed at the time of the agreement.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 There were diuerse lords and great men that were confederat with him, Adam Meri|muth. the lord Thomas Wake, the lord Henrie Beaumont, the lord Foulke Fitz Warrein, sir Thomas Rosselin, sir William Trus|sell, and other, to the number of an hundred knights. ¶ In the third yeare of his reigne,1 [...]29 Anno Reg. 3. about the Ascen|sion tide, king Edward went ouer into France, and comming to the French king Philip de Ualois, as then being at Amiens, did there his homage vnto him for the duchie of Guien (as in the French historie appeareth.) ¶ The same yeare Simon the archbishop of Canturburie held a synod at London, wherein all those were excommunicated that were guiltie to the death of Walter Stapleton bishop of Excester, that had béene put to death by the Londoners, as in the last kings time ye haue heard. ¶ This bishop of Ex|cester founded Excester colledge in Oxford, & Harts hall. But now to the purpose.

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