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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Yée shall therefore vnderstand, that diuerse of those, against whome exigents were awarded, came in, and yéelded their bodies to the shiriffes prison, be|fore they were called on the fift countie daie. Albeit a great manie there were that came not, and so were outlawed. Robert Foxton got the kings pardon, and so purchasing foorth a supersede as,Rob. Foxton pardoned. the suit therevpon against him was staied. The shiriffe therefore in Whitsunwéeke, in the second yeare of this kings reigne, made his returne touching Benedict Sio, Robert Russell, & Iulian Barbor, so that he deliuered them vnto the bailiffes of the libertie of the abbat of Burie, by reason of an ancient priuilege,A priuilege. which the abbat claimed to belong to his house. The bailiffes confessed they had receiued the said prisoners, but for|somuch as they had beene arreigned at a Portmane mote, which was vsed to be kept euerie thrée wéeks,Portman mote. and vpon their arreignment were found guiltie of certeine other felonies by them committed within the towne of Burie, and therevpon were put to exe|cution,The abbats officers bla|med. Adam Finchman the kings attournie there tooke it verie euill, & laid it greeuouslie to the charge of the abbats officers, for their hastie and presumptu|ous proceeding against the said prisoners, namelie, bicause the said Sio and Russell were repriued, to the end that by their vtterance, many heinous offen|ses might haue béene brought to light.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the same daie, that is to wit, the thursdaie in Whitsunweeke, the foresaid Robert Foxton, and di|uerse other came in, and were attached by the shiriffe to answer the abbat to his action of trespasse, which he brought against them, and putting the matter to the triall of an inquest,A condem|nation. they were condemned in sixtie thousand pounds, to be leuied of their goods and chattels, vnto the vse of the abbat, and in the meane time they were committed to prison. But first they made suit that they might be put to their fines for their offenses committed against the kings peace, and their request in that behalfe was granted, so that vpon putting in sufficient suerties for their good a|bearing, their fines were assessed, as some at more and some at lesse, as the case was thought for to re|quire.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus rested the matter a long season after, vntill the fift yeare of this kings reigne, in which the thurs|daie next after the feast of the blessed Trinitie, the K. being himselfe in person at S. Edmundsburie afore|said,An agréemẽt. a finall agreement and concord was concluded betwixt the said abbat and his conuent on the one partie, and Richard Draiton and others of the inha|bitants of that towne on the other partie, before the right reuerend father in God Iohn bishop of Win|chester and chancellor of England, and the kings iu|stices Iohn Stonore and Iohn Cantbridge sitting there at the same time, by the kings commandement. The effect of which agreement was as followeth.

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