Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the first yeare of this kings reigne,Records of Burie. we find in records belonging to the abbeie of S. Edmundsbu|rie in Suffolke, that the inhabitants of that towne raised a sore commotion against the abbat & moonks of the same abbeie, and that at seuerall times, as first on the wednesdaie next after the feast of the conuer|sion of S. Paule, in the said first yeare of this kings reigne, one Robert Foxton, Richard Draiton, and a great number of other, assembling themselues togi|ther in warlike order and araie, assaulted the said ab|beie, brake downe the gates, windowes, and doores, entered the house by force, and assailing certeine moonks and seruants that belonged to the abbat, did beat, wound, and euill intreat them, brake open a number of chests, coffers, and forssets, tooke out chali|ces of gold and siluer, books, vestments, and other or|naments of the church, beside a great quantitie of rich plate, and other furniture of household, apparell, armour, and other things, beside fiue hundred pounds in readie coine, & also three thousand florens of gold.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 All these things they tooke and caried awaie, togi|ther with diuerse charters, writings, & miniments, as thrée charters of Knute sometime king of Eng|land, foure charters of king Hardiknute, one charter of king Edward the confessor, two charters of king Henrie the first, & other two charters of king Hen|rie the third, which charters concerned as well the foundation of the same abbeie, as the grants and confirmations of the possessions and liberties be|longing thereto. Also they tooke awaie certeine wri|tings obligatorie, in the which diuerse persons were bound for the paiement of great summes of monie, and deliuerie of certeine wines vnto the hands of the said abbat. Moreouer they tooke awaie with them ten seuerall buls, concerning certeine exemptions and immunities granted to the abbats and moonks of Burie by sundrie bishops of Rome.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore, not herewith contented, they tooke Peter Clopton prior of the said abbeie, and other moonks foorth of the house, and leading them vnto a place called the Leaden hall, there imprisoned them, till the thursdaie next before the feast of the Purifica|tion of our ladie, and that daie bringing them backe againe into the chapter-house, deteined them still as prisoners, till they had sealed a writing, conteining that the abbat and conuent were bound in ten thou|sand pounds to be paid to Oliuer Kempe and others by them named. And further, they were constreined EEBO page image 344 to seale a letter of release for all actions, quarels, debts, transgressions, suits and demands, which the abbat might in anie wise claime or prosecute against the said Oliuer Kempe and others in the same let|ters named.