Compare 1577 edition: 1 The French K. being latelie come to the crowne, sent certeine ambassadors vnto king Edward, to wit, the lord Beouille, and one Andreas de Floren|tia a notarie, to giue summons vnto him from the French king, to come and doo homage for the lands which he held in France,The Fren [...] king taketh townes in A|quitaine. as for the duchie of Aqui|taine, and the countie of Pontieu. And though the lord chamberleine Hugh Spenser the sonne, and the lord chancellour Robert Baldocke did what they could to procure these ambassadors, not to declare the cause of their comming to the king, yet when they should depart, they admonished the king to come and doo his homage vnto the French king, and vpon this admonition the said Andreas framed a publike in|strument, by vertue whereof, the French king made processe against the king of England, and [...]eized into his hands diuerse townes and castels in Aquitaine, alledging that he did it for the contumacie shewed by the king of England, in refusing to come to doo his homage, being lawfullie summoned, although the king was throughlie informed, that the summons was neither lawfull, nor touched him anie thing at all.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the same time,The lord Mortimer breaketh [...] of the [...] the lord Roger Mortimer of Wigmor, giuing his kéepers a drinke that brought them into a sound and heauie sléepe, escaped out of the tower of London where he was prisoner. This escape of the lord Mortimer greatlie troubled the king, so that immediatlie vpon the first news, he wrote to all the shiriffes of the realme, that if he chan|ced to come within their roomes, they should cause hue and crie to be raised, so as he might be staied and arrested, but he made such shift, that he got ouer into France, where he was receiued by a lord of Picar|die, named monsier Iohn de Fieules, who had faire lands in England, and therefore the king wrote to him, reprouing him of vnthankfulnesse, considering EEBO page image 335 he had beene euer readie to pleasure him, and to ad|uance his profits and commodities, and yet not|withstanding he did succour the said lord Mortimer, and other rebels that were fled out of his realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Lent this yeare, a parlement was holden at London,1 [...]24 in the which diuerse things were intreated, amongst other the cheefest was,A parlement. to determine for the sending of some honorable ambassage to the French king, to excuse the king for not comming to him to doo his homage, according to the pretended sum|mons.The bishop of Hereford ar|rested. ¶ In the same parlement, Adam bishop of Hereford was arrested, and examined vpon points of treason, for aiding, succouring, and mainteining the Mortimers, and other of the rebels. This bishop was reckoned to be wise, Thom. de la More. subtill, and learned, but o|therwise wilfull, presumptuous, and giuen to main|teine factions. At the first, he disdeined to make anie answer at all, and finallie, when he was in manner forced thereto, he flatlie told the king, that he might not make any answere to such matters as he was charged with, Thom. Wals. except by the licence and consent of his metropolitane the archbishop of Canturburie, and other his péeres. Héerevpon, the said archbishop and other bishops made such sute, that he was commit|ted to the kéeping of the said archbishop, with him to remaine, till the king had taken order for his further answer.