Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus the king séemed to be reuenged of the dis|pleasure doone to him by the earle of Lancaster, for the beheading of Peers de Gaueston earle of Corne|wall, whom he so déerelie loued, and bicause the erle of Lancaster was the chéefe occasioner of his death, the king neuer loued him entirelie after. ¶So that here is verified the censure of the scripture expressed by the wisedome of Salomon, that the anger and dis|pleasure of the king is as the roring of a lion, and his reuenge ineuitable. Wherefore it is an hie point of discretion in such as are mightie, to take héed how they giue edge vnto the wrath of their souereigne, which if it be not by submission made blunt, the bur|then of the smart insuing will lie heauie vpon the of|fendor, euen to his vtter vndooing, and losse (perhaps) of life. In this sort came the mightie earle of Lan|caster to his end, being the greatest péere in the realme, and one of the mightiest earles in christen|dome: for when he began to leauie warre against the king, he was possessed of fiue earledomes, Lan|caster, Lincolne, Salisburie, Leicester, and Derbie, beside other seigniories, lands, and possessions, great to his aduancement in honor and puissance. But all this was limited within prescription of time, which being expired, both honour and puissance were cut off with dishonour and death, for (O mutable state!)
Inuida fatorum series, summís negatumStare diu.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On the same day, the lord William Tuchet, the lord William fitz William, the lord Warren de Lisle, the lord Henrie Bradborne, and the lord Willi|am; Chenie barons, with Iohn Page an esquire, were drawne and hanged at Pomfret aforesaid, and then shortlie after, Roger lord Clifford, Iohn lord Mowbraie, and sir Gosein d' Eeuill barons,Lords exe|cuted. were drawne and hanged at Yorke. At Bristow in like manner were executed sir Henrie de Willington, and sir Henrie Montfort baronets; and at Glocester, the lord Iohn Gifford, and sir William Elmebridge knight; and at London, the lord Henrie Teies ba|ron; at Winchelsie, sir Thomas Culpepper knight; at Windsor, the lord Francis de Aldham baron; and at Canturburie, the lord Bartholomew de Badelis|mere, and the lord Bartholomew de Ashbornham, barons. Also at Cardiffe in Wales, sir William Fleming knight was executed: diuerse were exe|cuted in their countries, as sir Thomas Mandit and others.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But now touching the foresaid earle of Lanca|ster, Auesburie. Nic. Triuer. great strife rose afterwards amongst the peo|ple, whether he ought to be reputed for a saint or no. Some held, that he ought to be no lesse esteemed, for that he did manie almesdéeds in his life time, hono|red men of religion, and mainteined a true quarell till his liues end. Also, his enimies continued not long after, but came to euill end. Others conceiued an other opinion of him, alledging, that he fauoured not his wife, but liued in spouse-breach, defiling a great number of damosels and gentlewomen. If anie offended him, he slue him shortlie after in his wrathfull mood. Apostataes and other euill dooers he mainteined, and would not suffer them to be puni|shed by due order of law. All his dooings he vsed to commit vnto one of his secretaries, and tooke no heed himselfe thereof: and as for the manner of his death, he fled shamefullie in the fight, and was taken and put to death against his will, bicause he could not auoid it: yet by reason of certeine miracles which were said to be doone néere the place both where he suffered, and where he was buried, caused manie to thinke he was a saint; howbeit, at length, by the kings cõmandement, the church doores of the priorie where he was buried, were shut and closed, so that no EEBO page image 332 man might be suffered to come to the toome to bring any offerings, or to doo any other kind of deuotion to the same. Caxton. Also, the hill where he suffered was kept by certeine Gascoines, appointed by the lord Hugh Spenser the sonne then lieng at Pomfret, to the end that no people should come and make their praiers there in worship of the said earle, whome they tooke verelie for a martyr.