Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 This yeare there fell exceeding great raine and abundance of wet,Great rain [...] in the moneths of Iulie and Au|gust, that the husbandmen of the countrie could not get in that small crop which then stood on the ground, and that which they inned, yéelded not the hoped quantitie, as when it came to the threshing well ap|peared. ¶ On the day of the Assumption of our la|die, Iohn the kings second sonne was borne at El|tham.Iohn of El|tham bor [...]. ¶ A knight of Lancashire called sir Adam Banister raised war in this yeare of king Edwards reigne, against his lord the earle of Lancaster; but about the feast of saint Martine he was taken and beheaded. ¶ Also this yeare, Edward de Bruce bro|ther to the king of Scots, entred into the north parts of Ulnester with a great armie, vpon the day of S. Augustine in Maie and afterwards burnt Dun|da [...]ke, Hen M [...]rl [...] Dunda [...]ke burnt. and a great part of Argile. The Irishmen al|so burnt the church of Athird. Moreouer in the battell of Comeran in Ulnester,The battell [...] Comeran. Richard earle of Ulnester fled, and sir Richard Bourgh, & sir Iohn Mandeuile, and sir Alane fitz Waren were taken prisoners. The castell of Norbrough was also taken, & at Kent [...]s in M [...]sh the lord Roger Mortimer was discomfited by EEBO page image 323 the foresaid Edward Bruce, and manie of the said sir Rogers men were slaine and taken.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Also in the ninth yeare of king Edwards reigne, before Christmasse, a blasing starre or comet appeared in the north part of the element,A blasing star dearth and death. by the space of a mo|neth togither, and after followed dearth and death (as after shall appeare.) Guie earle of Warwike, a man of great counsell and skilfull prouidence,The decease of Guie earle of Warwike. Croxden. departed this life this yeare, and was buried at the abbeie of Bordisley. ¶About Midsummer the Scots eftsoones entred into England, doing much mischéefe with fire and sword, in like sort as they had vsed to doo before time, Rich. South. not sparing (as some write) so much as those houses wherin women laie in childbed. At their com|ming to Richmond, the gentlemen of the countrie that were got into the castell to defend it, compoun|ded with the enimies for a great summe of monie, to spare the towne and countrie about it, without doo|ing further damage thereto at that iournie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The Scots hauing receiued the monie, turned their march toward the west parts, and iournieng thréescore miles, came to Fourneis, burning all the countrie thereabouts, and tooke awaie with them all the goods and prisoners, both men and women which they might laie hands on, and so returned, reioising most of such iron as they had got in that iournie, for they had great want in Scotland of that kind of me|tall in those daies. The dearth by reason of the vnsea|sonable weather in the summer and haruest last past still increased, Anno Reg. 10. The dearth increased. for that which with much adoo was in|ned, after when it came to the proofe, yéelded nothing to the value of that which in sheafe it séemed to con|teine, so that wheat and other graine which was at a sore price before, now was inhanced to a farre higher rate, the scarsitie thereof being so great, that a quar|ter of wheat was sold for fortie shillings, which was a great price, if we shall consider the allaie of monie then currant. ¶ Also by reason of the murren that fell among cattell, béefes and muttons were vnreso|nablie priced.