Compare 1577 edition:
1 There were
present at his coronation foure bi|shops, fiue earles, and a great multitude of people of the land.
Immediatlie vpon the newes brought to the king of Bruces coronation,An armie sent into
Scot|land. he sent foorth a power of men, vnder the conduct of the earle of Penbroke, and of the
lord Henrie Percie, the lord Robert Clifford, and others, to resist the attempts of the Scots, now readie to
worke some mischéefe, through the incouragement of the new king. Edward
prince of Wales was made knight this yeare at London upon Witsundaie,
Prince Ed|ward made knight. Thrée hun|dred saith Matth. West.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, Robert le Bruce went abroad in the countries of Scotland,Robert Bruce. receiued the homages of manie Scotishmen, and got togither an armie of men, with the which he approched néere to saint Iohns towne, Abington. into the which the earle of Penbroke was a little before entred to defend it, with thrée hundred men of armes, beside footmen. Then R. Bruce sent to the earle to come out and giue battell, the earle sent vnto him word againe, that he would not fight that daie being sundaie,It was the next sundaie after midsum|mer daie. but vpon the next morow he would satisfie his request. Robert Bruce herevpon withdrew a mile backe from the towne, determining to rest himselfe and his people that night. About eue|ning tide came the earle foorth of the towne with his people in order of battell,Rob. Bruce out to flight by the earle of Penbroke. and assailing his eni|mies vpon a sudden, slue diuerse yer they could get their armour on their backs. Robert Bruce and o|thers that had some space to arme themselues made some resistance for a while, but at length the Eng|lishmen put them to the worse, so that they were con|streined to flee.
Compare 1577 edition:
Rob. Bruce fled into Ken|tire.The earle following the chase, pursued them euen
into Kentire, not resting till he vnderstood that a great number of them were gotten into a castell, which
he besieged, in hope to haue found Robert Bruce within it, but he was fled further into the countrie.
Howbeit, his wife and his brother Nigell or Neall,
His wife and brother are taken. The earle of Itholl taken. Fabian.