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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The recognising therefore made of the superioritie and submission of grant to receiue that, which before the king of England should by law be defined, the EEBO page image 287 said king required to haue the castels, and the whole land deliuered vnto his possession, that by peaceable seizine thereof had, his right of superioritie now re|cognised by their letters and writings, might be the more manifest and apparent to the whole world. They streightwaies agreed to the kings request, and wri|tings thereof were made and confirmed with their seales, being written in French, as followeth.

9.1. The copie of the second charter touching the possession of the land, in French.

The copie of the second charter touching the possession of the land, in French.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _ATous iceulx, que ceste presente lettre verrunt ou orront, Florence counte de Holland, Robert de Brus seigneur du Val Danand, Iehan de Baliol seigneur de Galloway, Iehan de Hastings seigneur de Aber|geuenny, Iehan Comin seigneur de Badenaw, Pa|trique Dunbar counte de la Marche, Iehan de Ves|cy, pour son pere, Nichol de Seules, & Guilaume de Ros, saluz en dieu. Come nous aions otrie, & graunte, de nostre bonne volunté, & comune as|sent sans nulle destresse, a noble prince sire Ed|ward, par la grace de dieu, roy de Angleterre quil come souerein seig de la terre de Escoce puisse oir trier, & terminer nos chalenges, & nos demandes, que nos entendons monstrer, & auerrer pur nostre droyt en la reaume de Escoces & droyt receiuer de|uant luy, come souerein seigneur de la terre, pro|mettons ia lemains que son fait auerons & ten|drons ferme & estable, & qu' il emportera le reau|me, a qui droyt le durra deuant luy.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Mes pour ce que lauandict roy de Ang. ne puist nulle manier conusance faire ne a complier sauns iugement, ne iugement doit estre sauns execution, ne execution ne peult il faire duement, sauns la possession, & seysine de mesme la terre, & de cha|steaux. Nous volons, otrions, & grantons, quil co|me souereine seigneur, a parfaire les choses auant dictes, ait la seysine de toute la mesme terre, & de chasteaux de Escoce, tant que droyt soit feit & perfourme, as demandans en tiel maniere, que a|uant ceo qu' il eit le seysine auant dict face bone se|urte, & suffisante as demandants & as gardiens, & a la commune du reaume d' Escoce, a faire lare|uersion de mesme le reaume, & de chasteaux, oue toute la royauté, dignité, seignourie, franchises, coustomes, droitures, leys, vsages, & possessions, & touz manieres des apurtenances, en mesme le esta|te, quils estoient quant la seysine luy fust bailleé, & liuereé a celuy que le droyt emportera par iugemẽt de saroyaute, sauue au roy d' Anglterre le homage de celuy, qui serra rey. Yssint quela reuersion soit feit dedans les deux moys apres le iour que le droyt sera trieé & affirmé. Et que les yssues de mes|me la terre en le moyne temps resceus, soient sau|uement mis en depos & bien gardees par la main le chamberleyn d' Escoce que ore est, & de celuy qui serra assigne a luy de par le rey d' Angleterre, & de sous leur seaus sauue renable sustinance de la terre, & des chasteaux & des ministres du royau|me. En testimoigne de [...]estes choses auandicts, nous auons mis nos seaules a ceste escript. Fa [...]t & donne a Norham le mecredie prochein apres l' Ascensi|on [...]' an de Grace, 1291.

9.2. The same in English.

The same in English.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _TO all them that these present writings shall see or heare, Florence earle of Hol|land, Robert le Bruce lord of Annandale, Iohn de Balioll lord of Galloway, Iohn Ha|stings lord of Abergeuenny, Iohn Comin lord of Badenaw, Patrike de Dunbarre the earle of March, Iohn de Vescy in stead of his father, Nicholas de Sules, William de Ros, send greeting in our lord. Bicause that of our good will and common assent, without all constraint, we doo consent and grant vn|to the noble prince the lord Edward, by the grace of God king of England, that he as supe|riour lord of Scotland, may heare, examine, de|fine and determine our claimes, chalenges, and petitions, which we intend to shew and prooue for our right, to be receiued before him as su|periour lord of the land, promising moreouer, that we shall take his deed for firme and stable, and that he shall inioy the kingdome of Scot|land, whose right shall by declaration best ap|peare before him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whereas then the said king of England can|not in this manner take knowledge, nor fulfill our meanings without iudgement, nor iudge|ment ought to be without execution, nor exe|cution may in due forme be doone without possession and seizine of the said land and ca|stels of the same; we will, consent, and grant, that he as superiour lord to performe the pre|misses may haue the seizine of all the land and castels of the same, till they that pretend title to the crowne be satisfied in their suit, so that be|fore he be put in possession and seizine, he find sufficient suertie to vs that pretend title, and to the wardens, and to all the communaltie of the kingdome of Scotland, that he shall restore the same kingdome with all the roialtie, dignitie, seigniorie, liberties, customes, rights, lawes, vsa|ges, possessions, and all and whatsoeuer the ap|purtenances, in the same state wherein they were before the seizine to him deliuered, vnto him to whome by right it is due, according to the iudgement of his regalitie, sauing to him the homage of that person that shall be king: and this restitution to be made within two mo|neths after the daie in the which the right shall be discussed and established, the issues of the same land in the meane time shall be receiued, laid vp, and put in safe keeping, in the hands of the chamberlaine of Scotland which now is, and of him, whome the king of England shall to him assigne, and this vnder their seales, reser|uing and allowing the reasonable charges for the sustentation of the land, the castels and offi|cers of the kingdome. In witnesse of all the which premisses, we haue vnto these letters set our seales. Giuen at Norham the wednesday next after the feast of the Ascension of our Lord, in the yeare of Grace, 1291.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 These two letters the king of England sent vnder his priuie seale vnto diuerse monasteries within his realme, in the 19 yéere of his reigne, that in perpe|tuall memorie of the thing thus passed, it might be registred in their chronicles. Thus by the common assent of the chéefest of the lords in Scotland, king Edward receiued the land into his custodie, till by due and lawfull triall had, Rich. South. it might appeere who was rightfull heire to the crowne there. The homage or fealtie of the nobles of Scotland was expressed in words as followeth.

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