Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Welshmen perceiuing this, came downe be|side the mounteine, and assailed the Englishmen verie fiercelie, and with their great multitude so op|pressed them,The English|men distressed by Welshmen. that for feare the Englishmen were driuen to take the water, and so by reason they were loaden with armour, manie of them were drowned: and amongst other, that famous knight sir Lucas de Thanie,The lord Clifford. Robert Clifford, sir William Lindsey, and two gentlemen of good accompt that were bre|thren to Robert Burnell as then bishop of Bath. There perished in all (as some saie) thirtéene knights, Chron. Dunst. seuentéene yoong gentlemen, and to the number of two hundred footmen. Yet sir William Latimer, as good hap would, escaped, and diuerse other. This mischance happened on S. Leonards day.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this meane time in an other part of the coun|trie the earle of Glocester with an armie,The earle of Glocester ma|keth warre on the Welshmen made sore warre to the Welshmen, and néere vnto the towne called Lantilaware, fought a sore battell with them, in the which manie of the Welshmen being slaine, the earle lost also fiue knights vpon his partie, as William Ualence the yoonger, being one of that number, who was the kings cousine. The earle of Glocester then departing from thence, Leolin the prince of Wales entered into the countrie of Car|digan and Stradwie, destroieng the lands of Rice ap Meridoc, which now held with the king against the said prince. At length, prince Leolin going to|wards the land of Buelth with a small companie, Anno Reg. 11. left his maine armie behind him aloft vpon the top of the mounteine, néere to the water called Waie,Leolin inua|deth the kings fréends. and he had set a number of his people to kéepe the bridge of Orewin: and so the Welshmen kept on the one side, and the Englishmen on the other, of whome were capteins the lord Iohn Gifford and the lord Edmund Mortimer,The lord Gifford and Mortimer. the which perceiuing the Welshmen that were readie to defend the bridge, and a great host of them vpon the top of the moun|teine, they consulted togither what they were best to doo.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 At length by the couragious exhortation of one Helias Walewaine they drew on the one hand a|longst the riuer, where was a foord passable in déed,Helias Wal|waine. though not without danger: but yet the Englishmen by the conduct of the same Helias, got ouer by the same foord, so that it bare the name long after of He|lias way. And so the Welshmen that kept the bridge (perceiuing the Englishmen to be got ouer vnto that side) fled, wherevpon the residue of the English armie passed ouer at the bridge, whereof rose a great noise, which Leolin lurking not farre off might well heare, but yet at the first he could not be brought to thinke that by any possible means the Englishmen were got ouer to that side of the water. But yet per|ceiuing it to be true, he drue backe toward the heigth of the mounteine againe, neuerthelesse being disco|uered by one Stephan de Franketon,Prince Leo|lin slaine by Stephan de Franketon. named by some writers Sward, he was so narrowlie pursued of the same Stephan, that he was ouertaken and slaine.