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Compare 1577 edition: 1 A tenth was granted of the cleargie to the K. and to his brother Edmund earle of Leicester and Lanca|ster by the popes appointment for two yeares, Anno Reg. 2. Matth. Westm. A disine grã|ted to the king & his brother. a chap|leine of the pope a Gascoine borne named Reimond being sent into England for that purpose, who gaue part vnto them, and part thereof he kept to himselfe towards his charges, but the most part was reserued to the popes disposing. ¶ Whilest the king remained in Gascoigne, he had somwhat to do against certeine rebels, as Gaston de Bierne, and other that were re|uolted from him. The castels belonging to the said Gaston he subdued, but his person he could not meet with. Finallie, after he had set things in order aswell in Guien as in other places in the parts of beyond the seas, he hasted homewards, Nic. Treuet. King Ed|ward his re|turne home. and came to London on the second day of August, where he was receiued with all ioy that might be deuised. The stréets were hanged with rich cloths of silke, arras, and tapestrie, the aldermen and burgesses of the citie threw out of their windowes handfuls of gold and siluer, Matth. West. to signi|fie the great gladnesse which they had conceiued of his safe returne: the conduits ran plentifullie with white wine and red, that ech creature might drinke his fill. Upon the 19 day of August in this second yeare of his reigne he was crowned at Westmin|ster, togither with his wife quéene Elianor, by the hands of Robert Kilwarbie archbishop of Cantur|burie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At this coronation were present Alexander king of Scots, and Iohn earle of Britaine, with their wiues that were sisters to K. Edward. The king of Scots did homage vnto king Edward for the realme of Scotland, in like maner as other the kings of Scot|land before him had doone to other kings of England ancestours to this king Edward. At the solemnitie of this coronation there were let go at libertie (catch them that catch might) fiue hundred great horsses by the king of Scots, the earles of Cornewall, Caxton. Gloce|ster, Penbroke, Warren, & others, as they were al|lighted frõ their backs. ¶ On S. Nicholas euen there chanced such an earthquake with lightning and thun|der, and therewithall the appearing of the burning drake, and a blasing starre called a comet, that the people were brought into no small feare vpon consi|deration thereof. But now to the point of the hi|storie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Edward at the first like a prudent prince chose the wisest and worthiest men to be of his coun|cell, & to purchase the loue of his subiects, whose minds were somewhat offended towards his father (by rea|son that he refused to kéepe promise with them, touch|ing the restitution of gentle and fauourable lawes) king Edward shewed himselfe so gentle towards all EEBO page image 278 degrées of men, that he séemed to exceed the reasona|ble bounds of courteous humanitie, much more than became his roiall estate.1275 Anno Reg. 3. After this, he reformed di|uerse lawes and statutes, and deuised some new or|dinances, greatlie for the wealth of the realme. He held his first parlement at Westminster,

A parlement. The statutes of Westmin|ster.

The prince of Wales Leo|lin.

where the ordinances were made, called the statutes of West|minster the first.

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