Compare 1577 edition: 1 He therefore, being desirous to haue some part thereof, so intreated him that had the kéeping of it, that he obteined his desire, and brought it ouer with him into England, bestowing a third part thereof after his fathers deceasse in the abbeie of Hailes, as it were to adorne and inrich the same,The bloud of Hailes. bicause that therein both his father and mother were buried; and the other two parts he did reserue in his owne custo|die, till at length mooued vpon such deuotion as was then vsed, he founded an abbeie a little from his ma|nour of Berkhamsteed: which abbeie was named Ashrug,Ashrug ab|beie built. Bonhommes. in the which he placed moonks of the order of Bonhommes, being the first that euer had beene seene of that order here in England. And herewith he also assigned the two other parts of that bloud to the same abbeie. Wherevpon followed great resort of people to those two places, induced therevnto by a certeine blind deuotion.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Henrie the brother of this Edmund,The L. Hen|rie sonne to the K. of Al|maine murde|red in Italie. and sonne to the foresaid king of Almaine, as he returned from Affrike, where he had beene with prince Edward, was slaine at Uiterbo in Italie (whither he was come about businesse which he had to doo with the pope) by the hand of Guie de Montfort, the sonne of Simon de Montfort earle of Leicester, in reuenge of the same Simons death. This murther was com|mitted afore the high altar, as the same Henrie knee|led there to heare diuine seruice. The foresaid Guie vpon that murther committed, fled vnto his father in law, the earle of Anguilare, then gouernour of Tuskain. There was at Uiterbo the same time Phi|lip king of France, returning homewards from the iournie which his father made into Affrike, where he died. Also Charles king of Sicill was there present, whome the said Guie then serued. Both those kings were put in much blame, for that the murther and wilfull escape was doone and suffred in their presence and no pursuit made after the murtherer. Boniface the archbishop of Canturburie,Robert Kil|warbie archb. of Cãturburie when he had ruled the sea seauen and thirtie yeares, departed this life: and after his deceasse, about two yeares or more, was one Robert Kilwarbie appointed in his place by pope Gregorie, which Robert was the six and fortith arch|bishop that had gouerned the sée of Canturburie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the moneth of Iune there fell great de|bate and discord betwixt the moonks of Norwich and the citizens there; which increased so farre, that at length the citizens with great violence assaulted the monasterie, fired the gates,A fraie be|twixt the moonks and citizens of Norwich. and forced the fire so with reed and drie wood, that the church with the bookes, and all other ornaments of the same, and all houses of office belonging to that abbeie were cleane burned, wasted, and destroied, so that nothing was preserued except one little chapell. The king hearing of this ri|ot, rode to Norwich, and causing inquirie to be made thereof,Thirtie of the citizens of Norwich han+ged and burnt. thirtie yoong men of the citie were condem|ned, hanged and burnt, to the great greefe of the other citizens, for they thought that the priour of the place was the occasion of all that mischéefe, who had got to|gither armed men, and tooke vpon him to kéepe the belfraie and church by force of armes: but the prior was well inough borne out, and defended by the bi|shop of Norwich, named Roger, who (as it is likelie) was the maister of the mischéefe, though hands were not laid vpon him nor his adherents: perhaps for EEBO page image 276 feare, peraduenture for fauour; & no maruell though the lesse faultie lost their liues as most guiltie, for
—rarus venator ad vrsosAccedit, tutos conseruat sylua leones,Debilibus robusta nocent, & grandia paruis,A les fulminiger timidos infestat olores,Accipiter laniat turdos millés columbas,Versicolor coluber ranas miser [...]s lacertas,Irretit muscas transmittit aranea vespas.