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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 ¶ There be that write, how prince Edward him|selfe, perceiuing the traitor to strike at his bellie, warded the blowe with his arme: and as the Sara|cen offered to haue striken againe, he thrust him backe to the ground with his foot, and catching him by the hand, wrested the knife from him, and thrusting him into the bellie, so killed him, though in strugling with him, he was hurt againe a little in the forhead: and his seruants withall comming to helpe him, one of them that was his musician, got vp a trestill and stroke out the braines of the traitor, as he laie dead on the ground, and was blamed of his maister for striking him, after he saw him once dead before his face, as he might perceiue him to be. Some write, that this traitor was sent from the great admerall of Iapha, on message to the prince Edward, and had béene with him diuerse times before,Port Iapha. & now making countenance to take forth letters, got foorth his knife, and attempted so to haue wrought his feat. Whatso|euer the man was, the prince was in great danger, by reason of the enuenimed knife wherewith he was wounded, so that it was long yer he could be perfect|lie whole.The genera|tion of the Ar|sacide, or Assass [...]ni. These Saracens called Arsacidae, are a wic|ked generation of men, infected with such a supersti|tious opinion, that they beléeue heauenlie blisse is purchased of them, if they can by anie means slea one of the enimies of their religion, & suffer themselues for that fact the most cruell death that may be deui|sed. ¶Prince Edward, after he was whole and reco|uered of his wounds, Anno Reg. 56. perceiuing that no such aid came into those parts out of christendome, as was looked for, tooke a truce with the enimies of our faith, and returned towards England, as hereafter shall be shewed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the fourth nones of Aprill (as some saie) or in the moneth of Februarie (as other write) in the six and fiftith yeare of K. Henries reigne at Berkhamstéed, Nic. Triuer. Matth. West. The [...]easse of the king of Almaine. died Richard king of Almaine and earle of Corne|wall, and was buried in the abbeie of Hailes which he himselfe had founded: he was a worthie prince, and stood his brother king Henrie in great stead, in handling matters both in peace and warre.His issue. He left behind him issue begotten of his wife Sanctla two sonnes, Edmund and Henrie.Edmund erle o [...] Cornewall. This Edmund was he that brought the blood of Hails out of Germanie: for as he was there vpon a time with his father, it chanced that as he was beholding the relikes, and other pretious monuments of the ancient emperors, he espied a box of gold: by the inscription whereof he perceiued (as the opinion of men then gaue) that therein was conteined a portion of the bloud of our sauiour.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 He therefore, being desirous to haue some part thereof, so intreated him that had the kéeping of it, that he obteined his desire, and brought it ouer with him into England, bestowing a third part thereof after his fathers deceasse in the abbeie of Hailes, as it were to adorne and inrich the same,The bloud of Hailes. bicause that therein both his father and mother were buried; and the other two parts he did reserue in his owne custo|die, till at length mooued vpon such deuotion as was then vsed, he founded an abbeie a little from his ma|nour of Berkhamsteed: which abbeie was named Ashrug,Ashrug ab|beie built. Bonhommes. in the which he placed moonks of the order of Bonhommes, being the first that euer had beene seene of that order here in England. And herewith he also assigned the two other parts of that bloud to the same abbeie. Wherevpon followed great resort of people to those two places, induced therevnto by a certeine blind deuotion.

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